Action Against Desertification
FAO is training local actors in large-scale restoration techniques and mechanized land preparation in support of field operations under the Great Green Wall (GGW) initiative to restore drylands and degraded lands in Africa. Land restoration offers hope for improving livelihoods...
Abuja, Nigeria. FAO delivered a “training of master trainers” in large-scale restoration techniques from 20-28 February in Abuja, kick-starting field implementation activities of the Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (ACReSAL) project. The training, delivered to over 350 participants from 19 northern...
Addis Ababa. The European union and FAO renewed their commitment to accelerate support for implementing the Great Green Wall (GGW) through the launch at the African Union of a ‘’Knowledge for Great Green Wall Action (or “K4GGWA”) project during the GGW...
Applying the large-scale land restoration model devised by Action Against Desertification (AAD), the BRIDGES project (Boosting Restoration, Income, Development, Generating Ecosystem Services) has brought restoration up-to-scale in Kassala in eastern Sudan, a region bordering Ethiopia and Eritrea affected by drought...
With 18% of total degraded land, Mauritania is the Sahelian country with the second highest rate of land degradation. The country is especially affected by the encroachment of moving sand, with severe impacts on people and the environment. At the...
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