Rome HQ
What was achieved after 4 years of project's implementation? To present the main activities, results, and stories of the African Roots and Tubers Project (ART), the team realized a series of Country briefs including highlights of how the project have changed the lives of small cassava, yam and Irish potato producers as well as supported the overall R&T sectors in Benin, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivore, Ghana, Malawi, Rwanda and Uganda..[Read more]

Rome, HQ
The Roots and Tubers Project team is pleased to share ’’ART Flash News - Issue n.5’’, our quarterly newsletter.
Considering our wide work among the seven countries, the purpose of it is to share Project’s updates regarding activities, resource material and upcoming events. Thus, you will be able to have a look of what is going on among the different beneficiaries and stakeholders...[Read more]
Rome, HQ
In Rwanda, one main constraint limiting the development of the potato value chain is related to a lack of reliable information on the prices of potatoes and quantities available in the market which makes forecasting costs of processors difficult, a constraint which is outside the direct control of the firm. Furthermore, the impact of climate change is putting unprecedented stress and threats on the livelihoods of potato farmers in north-western districts of the country. Reducing climatic risks require robust and innovative tools that can help producers and relevant institutions to make pro-active decisions and adjustment of their activities [Read More]
Rome, HQ
The Roots and Tubers Project team is pleased to share ’’ART Flash News - Issue n.5’’, our quarterly newsletter.
Considering our wide work among the seven countries, the purpose of it is to share Project’s updates regarding activities, resource material and upcoming events. Thus, you will be able to have a look of what is going on among the different beneficiaries and stakeholders...[Read more]

Kumasi, Ghana
The African Roots and Tubers Project organized a Regional Workshop on ‘’Experience Sharing on Cassava Production and Protection” in Kumasi, Ghana, from 05 to 07 December 2017. Representatives of farmer organisations and public institutes joined from the countries where the project is supporting the cassava value chain (e.g. Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Malawi)
The agenda of the workshop included some technical training and related field visits.. [Read more]
Rome, HQ
This newsletter provides information on the FAO project: “Strengthening Linkages between Buyers and Small Actors in the Roots and Tubers Sector in Africa” (ART) Project, which may be of interest to you.
Considering the different activities among the seven countries, the team provides internal and external audience with an informative e-newsletter that increases awareness of the work carried out each month and also disseminate information on what is going on among the different beneficiaries and stakeholders..[Read More]
Kigali, Rwanda
The EU African Roots and Tubers Project (ART) organized a three-days’ regional training and workshop on ‘‘Climatic Risk Management Instruments for Roots and Tubers Sector in Africa’’ from 28 to 30 November 2017 in Kigali, Rwanda.
The impacts of climate change is putting unprecedented stresses and threats on the roots and tubers sectors. Reducing climate risks require robust and innovative tools that can help producers and relevant institutions to make pro-active decisions and adjustment of their activities.
The ART Project is addressing issues focusing on two key areas: developing climate information services and climate risk management tools in collaboration with meteorological institutes...[Read more]
Rome, HQ
The Roots and Tubers Project team is pleased to share ’’ART Flash News - Issue n.3’’, our quarterly newsletter.
Considering our wide work among the seven countries, the purpose of it is to share Project’s updates regarding activities, resource material and upcoming events. Thus, you will be able to have a look of what is going on among the different beneficiaries and stakeholders...[Read more]
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The project has facilitated the participation of some of its key stakeholders -including MSMEs, financial institutions and providers of technical assistance- to the African Microfinance Week, one of the major and largest event in the inclusive financial industry, which took place in Addis Ababa from 09 to 13 October 2017.
The event brought together hundreds of directors and managers of MFIs, NGOs, banks, and companies investing in the so-called “missing middle” of the African agricultural sector, meaning the micro, small and medium agribusinesses. International Organizations, governmental authorities, public institutions, regulators, researchers and practitioners also participated. The conference envisaged several training sessions and thematic workshops..[Read more]

Rome, HQ
One of the objectives of the Roots and Tubers project is to increase access to inclusive financial instruments through capacity building and information exchange between financial service providers and producer groups and SMEs. In addition, strategies for increasing investment in R&T are being developed while defining principles for agricultural investment in the sector.
In order to implement the planned activities under this component, the Project will deliver a training on risk assessment and investment strategies for agricultural SMEs within the forthcoming African Microfinance Week, a major conference dedicated to the development of financial inclusion in Africa, which will take place from the 9th to the 13th October, 2017, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia...[Read more]
Rome, HQ
The Roots and Tubers Project team is pleased to share ’’ART Flash News - Issue n.2’’, our quarterly newsletter.
Considering our wide work among the seven countries, the purpose of it is to share Project’s updates regarding activities, resource material and upcoming events. Thus, you will be able to have a look of what is going on among the different beneficiaries and stakeholders...[Read more]
Musanze, Rwanda
On 3 May 2017, as part of the EU African Roots and Tubers Project, a second two-day training of the series ‘’Agricultural Value Chain Financing’’, has been organized in Musanze, Rwanda.
There is evidence in Rwanda that that existing financial services providers (banks, credit unions and MFIs) do not reach this segment of the market due to unaffordable interest rates and lack of guarantees of the potential clients..[Read more]
Lilongwe, Malawi
On 28 March 2017, as part of the EU African Roots and Tubers Project, a two-day training on ‘’Agricultural Value Chain Financing’’ has been organized in Lilongwe, Malawi.... [Read more]
Rome, HQ
On the 25 of November 2015, the African Roots and Tubers project organized a two days sub-regional workshop on improving farmers’ access to quality seed potato in Kigali, Rwanda (Read more:
The workshop results have been used to develop a policy brief, contributing to component 1.2..[Read more]
Rome, HQ
The African Roots and Tubers project team is pleased to announce the launch of ‘’ART Flash News’’ monthly newsletter which aims to share project’s updates regarding activities, resource material and upcoming events.
Considering the different activities among the seven countries, the team provides internal and external audience with an informative e-newsletter that increases awareness of the work carried out each month and also disseminate information on what is going on among the different beneficiaries and stakeholders..[Read more]

Rome, HQ
The EU African Roots and Tubers Project organized a three-days’ workshop on ‘’Supporting the greening of small food enterprising in Rwanda’’ from 21 to 23 February in Kigali, Rwanda.
Small food processors are an important market outlet for producers of staple crops such as potatoes. Supporting these business become more sustainable, both socially and environmentally, are important drivers for inclusive value chain development..[Read more]

Kigali, Rwanda
On 25 November 2015, as part of the EU project Strengthening linkages between small actors and buyers in the roots and tubers sector in Africa, a two days sub-regional workshop on improving farmers’ access to quality seed potato was organized in Kigali, Rwanda.
In response to the lack of access to quality seed potato, which is a major bottleneck in the development of the Irish potato sector in the region, the workshop brought together actors in the seed potato value chain from Uganda and Rwanda as well as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi and Kenya...[Read more]