Strengthening linkages between small actors and buyers in
the Roots and Tubers sector in Africa

Sub-regional workshop on improving farmers’ access to quality seed potato - Workshop Report

The sub-regional workshop on improving farmers’ access to quality seed potato was organized as part of the project Strengthening linkages between small actors and buyers in the roots and tubers sector in Africa, an EU-funded project being implemented by FAO in seven countries. The workshop brought together actors in the seed potato value chain from Uganda and Rwanda as well as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi and Kenya.

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Supporting the greening of small food enterprising in Rwanda 

The workshop on ‘’Supporting the greening of small food enterprising in Rwanda’’ was organized as part of the Project “Strengthening Linkages between Small Actors and Buyers in the Roots and Tubers sector in Africa, funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by Ministries of Agriculture and FAO in Rwanda, Uganda, Malawi, Cameroon, Ghana, Benin and Cote D’Ivoire.

The objective of the workshop was to catalyze sustainability measures and cost efficiency drivers in food value chains in Rwanda, using crisp manufacturers in the Irish potato value chain, as an entry point in the sector.

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