Strenghtening Afghanistan Institutions' capacity for the Assessment of Agriculture Production and Scenario Development

Objectives and outcomes

Objectives of the project:

  • Establish a modelling framework based on FAO Agro-Ecological Zoning (AEZ).
  • Develop country-wide LRIMS.
  • Develop adaptation strategies based on impact scenarios of water availability, crop yield and socio-economics for all major agro-ecological zones.
  • Develop innovative, complementary Agriculture Monitoring Systems.
  • Enhance the capacity at national and provincial levels for collection, monitoring, analysis and dissemination of agriculture information.


  • Provide information on the productivity of agricultural systems now and under different climate impact scenarios.
  • Provide innovative and sustainable agricultural monitoring systems, methods and tools integrating geospatial.
  • Provide high level training on impact scenarios, dissemination materials, training materials and e-Learning modules to facilitate sharing of best practice and knowledge management.

The project will directly contribute to:

  • The Government of Afghanistan’s (GOA) Poverty Reduction Strategy.
  • The MAIL’s ongoing priorities in monitoring of agricultural productivity and enhancement of food security, increase peace and stability in Afghanistan, support the progress of the techniques, policy and investment conditions.
  • The National Agricultural Development Framework which emphasizes income diversification, access to productive assets, skills training and access to market opportunities.