Agricultural Integrated Survey Programme - AGRISurvey

To support survey sustainability, the programme focuses on building the capacity of countries so that they can takeover, technically and operationally, the survey programmes and implementing independently at the end of a period of up to 10 years. Governments receive assistance to develop the capacity to plan and implement surveys’ activities and effective monitoring, with the goal of empowering national stakeholders and building national ownership on the programme.

Capacity-building activities include:

  • training on the AGRISurvey methodology, on sampling design, on data processing, cleaning and imputation, on data analysis and interpretation;
  • training on microdata curation, data documentation, data preservation, data anonymization and data dissemination;
  • trainings on the use of advanced technologies for data collection and management and support to shift from paper questionnaire to a Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) system;
  • technical assistance on statistical literacy and on evidence based policy design.