Adapting irrigation to climate change (AICCA)

Objectives and outcomes

Improving the sustainability and adaptation of small-scale irrigation systems to climate change in West and Central Africa.

The objectives of the project are the following:

  • Define the requirements for the adaptation to climate change of small-scale irrigation schemes in the main agro-ecological zones in West and Central Africa.
  • Assist small-scale farmers in the West and Central Africa region in adapting small-scale irrigation schemes to climate change.

The project outcomes are:

  • Provide up-to-date information on vulnerability of small-scale irrigation schemes to climate change for the main agro-ecological systems in the West and Central Africa region.
  • Create reference guides on the adaptation of small-scale irrigation to climate change.
  • Disseminate these information to key stakeholders in order to enable them to benefit from climate change adaptation by making the right decision on improved small-scale irrigation practices to preserve their agro-ecosystems.