Analysis and Mapping of Impacts under Climate Change for Adaptation and Food Security (AMICAF)

Component 2: Food Insecurity Vulnerability Analysis

Component 2 covers the assessment of current and future household vulnerability to food insecurity as a result of climate change through the development of an analytical econometrics model using best available national household datasets.

To determine the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events at the livelihood level, national level analysis is complemented by:

  1. Exploring and identifying the channels affected by climate change at household (farm) level
  2. Identifying and mapping vulnerable groups (profiling)
  3. Considering the adaptive capacity options of farmers (at agronomic and economic level)
  4. Exploring the efficiency of different policy tools

Local partners: Community-Based Monitoring System - De La Salle University CBMS-DLSU and the Food and Nutrition Research Institute FNRI.

Component 2 analysis is built upon past work on analysis and mapping of food insecurity by incorporating climate change related factors.

For related reports go to our Resources section.


Food security: Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. It has four dimensions: availability, access, stability, and utilization.

Chronic food insecurity: When individuals or groups of people suffer from food insecurity all of the time.
Temporary food insecurity: When households face a temporary decline in access to food. This can be in the form of cyclical or seasonal food insecurity.

Vulnerability to food insecurity: The probability of a household to become food insecure in the near future (a household's probability to fall or stay below a food security threshold).