Catalogue des applications de WaPOR
Layers Used

Results: 83

Bridging the gap between technology and policy: An assessment on how to report progress in efficient water use in agriculture by means of remote sensing data

This thesis investigates the gap existing between the technical sphere of remote sensing technologies for water productivity (WaPOR) and the policy-making sphere that can use the insights from the former as guidance. The paper touches on SDG progress monitoring and is useful for a user that seeks to understand strategies to bridge the aforementioned gap.    

Type: Resource
Application: Supporting solutions to reduce yield and productivity gaps
Organization/institution: TU Delft (Netherlands)
Language: English

PlantVillage Nuru

PlantVillage is an app that helps farmers with information that helps them make better decisions in their fields. It equips farmer's smartphones with the ability to identify plant pests. WaPOR data incorporated by the app allows the farmers to monitor biomass on a plot of land, giving small-scale farmers insight into how their crops are developing and assisting in deciding the best course of action for the best outcome in terms of yield. 

Type: Case study
Location: Kenya
Application: Providing advisory services to farmers
Layers used: NPP (Net Primary Production)
Scale used: 250m
Organization/institution: Penn State University (U.S.A.)
Language: English

WaPOR for water accounting

This case study aims to introduce WaPOR data users to the usability of WaPOR data for water accounting. It does so by showcasing three examples of WaPOR data use for accounting at different scales: the basin, the national scale, and the subnational scale. This document showcases the versatility of the data to the spatial unit of choice for accounting enabling insights for an integrated approach to managing water resources. 

Type: Case study
Location: Burundi, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania
Application: Assessing/monitoring water resources
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception), P (Precipitation)
Scale used: 100m, 250m
Organization/institution: FAO
Language: English

An assessment on field-scale spatial variability of sugarcane yield with satellite

This study investigates the relationship between actual evapotranspiration (AETI) and yield in remote sensing AETI products by WaPOR and Vandersat by taking into consideration two modalities of measuring plant stress. It focuses on largescale sugarcane fields in Xinavane, Mozambique. One of the goals of this study is to establish the suitability of the said remote sensing products in assisting with decisions related to irrigation so as to maximize yield. 

Type: Resource
Location: Mozambique
Application: Assessing/monitoring water and/or land productivity, Evaluation
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception)
Scale used: 100m
Organization/institution: TU Delft (Netherlands)
Language: English

Validation of FAO-frame remote sensing based agricultural water productivity estimates in the upper Awash river basin, Ethiopia

This study takes for case study the Wonji Shoa large scale sugarcane irrigation scheme, in Ethiopia, and using a sample of 30 plots in that area, it evaluates WaPOR products (AGBP and AETI) in relation to the outputs of the AquaCrop model and in-situ data. The study proposes more and better integration of WaPOR data and AquaCrop.

Type: Case study
Location: Ethiopia
Application: Evaluation
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception), AGBP (Above Ground Biomass Production) [no longer offered], NPP (Net Primary Production), T (Transpiration)
Organization/institution: University of Twente (Netherlands)
Language: English


This mobile application developed by LARI  provides its users (farmers) with information and recommendations that can help them better manage their farm activities. This information is presently mostly meteorological and agronomic in nature. Services are in the process of being expanded to provide irrigation scheduling and crop health information using WaPOR data. 

Type: Case study
Location: Lebanon
Application: Providing advisory services to farmers
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception), NPP (Net Primary Production)
Scale used: 100m
Organization/institution: the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), the International Water Management Institute
Language: Arabic

IRWI (Irrigation Water Information)

This mobile application supports farmers' decision-making in matters of water management and productivity. It provides information on agro-meteorological nature, crop status, irrigation quantity, and scheduling, as well as fuel costs. It also archives information about the current and past seasons for easy referral. 

Type: Case study
Location: Egypt
Application: Providing advisory services to farmers
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception), NPP (Net Primary Production), P (Precipitation)
Scale used: 100m
Organization/institution: the October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (Egypt)
Language: Arabic

Mapping suitability for rice production in inland valley landscapes in Benin and Togo using environmental niche modeling

This study developed an ensemble model approach to characterize the inland valleys suitable for rice rainfed agriculture using machine learning algorithms based on environmental niche modeling. WaPOR actual evapotranspiration, net primary production and gross biomass water productivity were used as parameters in the model predicting suitability. 

Type: Case study
Location: Benin, Togo
Application: Assessing/monitoring water and/or land productivity
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception), GBWP (Gross Biomass Water Productivity)
Scale used: 100m
Organization/institution: Africa Rice Center, University of Energy and Natural Resources (Ghana), University of Twente (Netherlands), IWMI
Language: English

A probabilistic framework for water budget estimation in low runoff regions: a case study of the central Basin of Iran

This study uses WaPOR AETI data as an input to a probabilistic framework for estimating water budgets in low runoff regions using remote sensing products. It also suggests the paramount importance of accurate AETI estimations in ensuring water budget closure.

Type: Case study
Location: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Application: Assessing/monitoring water resources
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception)
Scale used: 250m
Organization/institution: Sharif University of Technology (Iran), National Centre for Groundwater Research & Training and College of Science & Engineering (Australia)
Language: English

An assessment of groundwater use in irrigated agriculture using multi-spectral remote sensing

This study focuses on the assessment of groundwater use for irrigated agriculture in the area of Venda-Gazankulu area in the Limpopo Province, an arid region,  during the dry winter season in a drought period.  WaPOR AETI data is used to measure the consumption of groundwater, the main source of water for agriculture.

Type: Case study
Location: South Africa
Application: Assessing/monitoring the water consumption of crops
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception)
Scale used: 250m
Organization/institution: IWMI, University of Knwzulu-Natal (South Africa), Water Research Comission of South Africa, University of South Africa, Tshwane University of Technology (South Africa), University of Venda (South Africa)
Language: English
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