Catalogue des applications de WaPOR
Layers Used

Results: 83

Atlas of Land Cover Maps: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco & Tunisia

WaPOR data was used to derive a rough land cover description of the countries in Northern Africa. AGBP and NPP were used as proxy to show the spatial distribution of areas whith higher potential for carbon 

Type: Case study
Location: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia
Application: Understanding spatial variability of water-related and plant activity-related variables
Layers used: AGBP (Above Ground Biomass Production) [no longer offered], NPP (Net Primary Production)
Scale used: 250m
Organization/institution: Sahara and Sahel Observatory
Language: English

Atlas of Land Cover Maps: Sahel and West Africa

WaPOR data was used to derive a rough land cover description of the countries of the Sahel. TBP and NPP were used as proxies to show the spatial distribution of forested areas in the Sahel. 

Type: Case study
Location: Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Togo
Application: Understanding spatial variability of water-related and plant activity-related variables
Layers used: AGBP (Above Ground Biomass Production) [no longer offered], NPP (Net Primary Production)
Scale used: 250m
Organization/institution: Sahara and Sahel Observatory
Language: English

Rwanda Natural Capital Accounts: Water

WaPOR evapotranspiration data was used to cross-check and complement the AETI data that was compiled by the Rwanda Meteo Agency. The in-situ data had to be estimated because of the poor distribution of stations for data collection across the country and derived from evaporation data using mathematical equations. 

Type: Case study
Location: Rwanda
Application: Assessing/monitoring water resources
Layers used: AETI (Actual Evapotranspiration and Interception)
Scale used: 100m
Organization/institution: National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR), Ministry of Environment of Rwanda (MoE)
Language: English
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