Building capacity related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP MEAs 3)

The Caribbean

The Pitons (Saint Lucia)


The Caribbean’s diverse geography, which includes Small Island Developing States (SIDS), large ocean archipelagic nations, and continental countries, makes the region an outstanding global center of biodiversity. The people and the economies of the Caribbean rely significantly on terrestrial and marine ecosystems for their livelihoods: farming, fishing, forestry, and tourism are all important economic sectors in the region and are heavily dependent on the wealth of plants, animals, and other natural resources.

However, overexploitation and the deterioration of the Caribbean’s natural resources are clear and present threats. Poor agricultural practices such as indiscriminate land clearance and overgrazing are consistently linked to habitat loss and fragmentation. Land-based sources of pollution, including runoff of agricultural pesticides and fertilizers, contribute to the degradation of mangroves, coral reefs, and other vital coastal and marine ecosystems.

ACP MEAs 3 regional level activities in the Caribbean

During ACP MEAs 2, Caribbean countries drafted a regional biodiversity strategy whose central vision is: "The Caribbean’s rich biodiversity and natural heritage is conserved and used sustainably to support economic development and sustainable livelihoods for the well-being and benefit of Caribbean people".

ACP MEAs 3 activities in the Caribbean contribute directly to achievement of the strategy's key objectives through strong collaboration with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States. The programme focuses on forestry and agroforestry, conservation of agricultural biodiversity, pesticide control and responsible use, and gender-sensitive sustainable development of the cocoa sector.


Saint Lucia is the focal country for ACP MEAs 3 in the Caribbean. The goal is that the programme will share knowledge and lessons learned through scale out activities across the region, in particular to Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

ACP MEAs Actions

  • 22 Caribbean extension officers from 6 Caribbean countries trained in the Farmer Field School (FFS) methodology.
  • 2 FFS were installed in Saint Lucia with a focus on ecosystem-friendly production of vegetable crops with normally high rates of pesticide use.
  • 48 farmers trained in cocoa agronomy, pre-harvest and post-harvest good practices.
  • 2 communities revegetated with over 5000 fruit trees, forest trees and vetiver plants using a community-based approach.
  • Ongoing sustainable cocoa market study for four Eastern Caribbean countries producing fine and flavour cocoa.
  • Regional webinars on community forestry, ecosystem rehabilitation, and mangrove conservation and revegetation.