Policy brief: Protecting pollinators from pesticides
Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 February 2022 | 13:00 –17:30 CEST (closed)
Pollination is a fundamental ecosystem service for plant reproduction, agricultural production and the maintenance of terrestrial biodiversity. Almost 90 per cent of the world’s flowering plants are pollinated by insects and other animals, and it is estimated that about one-third of the global food volume produced benefits from animal pollination.
However, insect pollinators, in particular, can be adversely affected by pesticides. Therefore, the protection of pollinators from pesticides has historically received considerable attention from policy makers, regulators, agricultural producers, beekeepers, scientists and the general public.
Through specific requirements for the authorization and use of pesticide products, pesticide legislation can contribute to reduction of risks for pollinators. For instance, specific risk assessment methods for pollinators may need to be followed before a pesticide product can be registered for use, while risk mitigation measures may need to be put in place when using a pesticide. Similarly, animal production or beekeeping legislation may address under which circumstances pesticides can be applied in the vicinity of beekeeping activities. And biodiversity and/or habitat legislation may include specific provisions to minimize exposure of domestic and wild pollinators to pesticides, or broader measures for the protection of biodiversity which can indirectly protect pollinators from pesticides.
The main objectives of the global seminar are:
- Summarize the state of knowledge with respect to the risks of pesticides to pollinators.
- Review legislation protecting pollinators from pesticides.
- Review pesticide risk assessment procedures for pollinators.
- Assess how pollinators can be protected from pesticides through legislation beyond the current “single pesticide” approach.
- Enable dialogue among policy makers and regulators on best practices and pollinator protection policies as they relate to pesticides.
- Identify options to strengthen legislation to protect pollinators from pesticides, with a particular focus on low and middle income countries
Interpretation will be available into French and Spanish during the plenary sessions; parallel sessions will be held in English only.
For any questions about the Global Seminar,
please contact us at: [email protected]