Building capacity related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP MEAs 3)

Presentations and recordings

Strengthening regulations to protect pollinators from pesticides


The following presentations were made at the Global Seminar on strengthening regulations to protect pollinators from pesticides. For speaker affiliations and short biographies, please see the Speakers page.


Plenary session 1
Moderator: Kim-Anh Tempelman, Coordinator, ACP MEAs 3 Programme, FAO

Parallel Session 1: Policy and legislation
Moderator: Carmen Bullón, FAO

Parallel Session 2: Risk assessment and mitigation
Moderator: Harold van der Valk, FAO

Parallel Session 3: Policy and legislation
Moderator: Carmen Bullón, FAO

Parallel Session 4: Risk assessment and mitigation
Moderator: Harold van der Valk, FAO

Plenary Session 2
Moderator: Kim-Anh Tempelman, Coordinator, ACP MEAs 3 Programme, FAO