Building Forward Better

Understanding climate change and its impact on water resources management for agriculture

In recent years, the general concern of society about climate change has been growing, considering it one of the main challenges of the planet today. An increase in the global air temperature of the planet of between 1º and 4 º C with carbon dioxide concentrations between 500 and 700 ppm is expected by the end of this century. It seems appropriate to reflect on the evolution of our understanding about climate change in the last 30 years, particularly regarding its impact on the management of water resources in agriculture.

For this purpose we have recorded the intervention of two researchers from the University of Cordoba (Spain) and the Spanish National Research Council, experts in crop response to environmental conditions, especially in water needs, Elías Fereres and Francisco Villalobos.

Understanding climate change and its impact on water resources management for agriculture

An increase in the global air temperature of the planet of between 1º and 4 º C with carbon dioxide concentrations between 500 and 700 ppm is expected by the end of this century. It seems appropriate to reflect on the evolution of our understanding about climate change in the last 30 years, particularly regarding its impact on the management of water resources in agriculture.


Comprendre le CC et son impact sur la gestion des ressources en eau pour l'agriculture

Étant donné qu'une augmentation de la température globale de l'air de la planète comprise entre 1º et 4 º C est attendue d'ici la fin de ce siècle,...