Sustainable management of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME)

Capacity Building for Coastal Communities on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries

Promoting Sustainable Fisheries Management in the CCLME Area

Séance pratique

©Ibrahim HAMA


In a concerted effort to promote sustainable fisheries and the marine and coastal environment, the EAF-Nansen Program, the IPC-AO project, and the CCLME project are closely collaborating to implement a capacity-building program for fishing communities. This commitment also aims to raise public awareness about the status of biological resources, habitats, and water quality in the CCLME area. From December 4 to 8, 2023, pilot training sessions were organized in two fishing communities in Senegal, namely Dionewar and Joal Fadiouth.

Before the launch of the training sessions, an upgrading meeting in Dionewar brought together the members of the training team. This meeting facilitated discussions on the tools and methodology to be used, as well as the distribution of tasks for each trainer throughout the activities.

Training workshops took place in Dionewar and Joal, involving 48 participants, including 26 men and 22 women. The methodology involved presentations and practical exercises to ensure the active participation of all. The introduction focused on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) as a holistic management tool adopted by the FAO for fisheries sustainability. The steps of the EAF were examined, and participants contributed their empirical knowledge, facilitating the development of draft management plans based on the EAF.

Identified issues were prioritized and grouped for better addressing in subsequent stages. Participants then translated these issues into operational objectives and defined indicators to measure performance resulting from the implementation of management measures. The final step involved describing the formalization process of an EAF-based management plan.

This training also allowed for an understanding of the crucial role of the participation of fishing communities in decision-making processes. Senegal's experience in co-management was shared, covering the history of fisheries management, the importance of co-management, the outcomes of different approaches, the promotion of co-management, and lessons learned.

In conclusion, the two training workshops on EAF and co-management involved the participation of 48 stakeholders, including 22 women and 26 men. Educational tools on the EAF were shared and improved through the contribution of fishing communities. Participants understood the importance of co-management in the development and implementation of the EAF.

The main recommendation is to enhance educational tools based on the results of exercises conducted with fishing communities, better adapting them to local realities and contexts. These pilot training sessions represent a significant step toward more synergies for sustainable marine resource management, demonstrating the commitment of local stakeholders to preserving the marine ecosystem.