Climate Change Adaptation in the Eastern Caribbean Fisheries Sector


The Climate Change Adaptation of the Eastern Caribbean Fisheries Sector Project (CC4FISH) objective is to increase resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate change impacts in the Eastern Caribbean fisheries sector, through introduction of adaptation measures such as capacity building of fisherfolk and aquaculturists and mainstreaming of climate change into fisheries governance.

Component 1: Understanding and awareness of climate change impacts and vulnerability

Component 1: Understanding and awareness of climate change impacts and vulnerability

  • Assessment on climate change vulnerability in the fisheries sector assessed at the regional, national and local level;
  • Models that describe fish abundance and accessibility developed;
  • Findings of vulnerability assessments and models disseminated at regional, national and local level to improve understanding of climate change impacts.

Component 2: Increasing fisherfolk, aquaculturists and coastal community resilience to climate change and variability

Component 2: Increasing fisherfolk, aquaculturists and coastal community resilience to climate change and variability

  • Strengthened ICT capacity of fisherfolk and CNFOs;
  • Strengthened fisherfolk and CNFO capacity (in business skills, insurance schemes, coping with loss, rapid response and boat hauling) and associated equipment delivered;
  • Strengthened capacity for full utilization of key commercial and under-utilized species;
  • Exchange programs on fisheries co-management and adaptation technology implemented;
  • Existing aquaculture centres rehabilitated and new aquaculture centres established;
  • Strengthened capacity of aquaculturists in climate change adaptation measures and adaptive technologies.

Component 3: Mainstreaming of climate change adaptation in multi-level fisheries governance

Component 3: Mainstreaming of climate change adaptation in multi-level fisheries governance

  • Strengthened regional and national institutional capacity on mechanisms to implement climate change adaptation measures
  • Climate change adaptation mainstreamed into policies, plans and associated processes