Common Oceans - A partnership for sustainability and biodiversity in the ABNJ

Communication materials

Not a drop in the ocean - key successes from the Common Oceans ABNJ Program
Category: Common Oceans
Type of document: Brochures
The Common Oceans ABNJ Program aims to improve fisheries management and biodiversity conservation in the marine areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ). Between 2014-2019, the Program carried out many activities that contributed to: improving tuna fisheries, tackling illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, protecting marine life, and safeguarding marine ecoystems. This brochure presents an overview of the Common Oceans ABNJ Program's key successes.
Online Report of the Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Seas Project
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Infographics
This is an online report of the Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Seas Project, prepare by implementing partner United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), which summarises all the work carried out under the Project over the past 5 years. 
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Flyers
This is the agenda for The DEEP SEA MEETING 2019, an effort carried out be the GEF-funded Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Seas Project that is jointly implemented by FAO and UN Environment. FAO is also partners with the SponGES Project, which is a research and innovation Project funded under the H2020 Blue Growth initiative. The DEEP SEA MEETING 2019 aims to build on the Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Seas Project and SponGES Project, to showcase existing knowledge, practices, and innovative research for sustainable deep-sea fisheries management and biodiversity conservation in the ABNJ.
Concept Note: ABNJ DEEP SEA MEETING 2019
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Flyers
This is a Concept Note of The DEEP SEA MEETING 2019, an effort carried out be the GEF-funded Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Seas Project that is jointly implemented by FAO and UN Environment. FAO is also partners with the SponGES Project, which is a research and innovation Project funded under the H2020 Blue Growth initiative. The DEEP SEA CONFERENCE 2019 aims to build on the Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Seas Project and SponGES Project, to showcase existing knowledge, practices, and innovative research for sustainable deep-sea fisheries management and biodiversity conservation in the ABNJ.
Agenda: Side Event on BBNJ Capacity Development in the Context of Climate Change
Category: Strengthening Capacity
Type of document: Flyers
This Side Event addresses possible modalities for capacity development on the other three major emphases of the BBNJ Agreement—area-based management (ABMTs), environmental impact assessment (EIAs), and marine genetic resources (MGRs), taking into consideration the possible impacts of climate change.
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