Common Oceans - A partnership for sustainability and biodiversity in the ABNJ

Communication materials

Agenda: Side Event on Capacity Development in ABNJ - Experiences, Lessons, and Possible Ways Forward
Category: Strengthening Capacity
Type of document: Flyers
Capacity Development side event at the fourth session of the Preparatory Committee on BBNJ. Focusing on experiences, and lessons learned in existing efforts at capacity develop­ment in ABNJ, this side event aims to explore ways and options of moving forward on this central issue in the BBNJ process.   
Common Oceans Facts
Category: Common Oceans
Type of document: Infographics
Common Oceans Facts
Bottom Fisheries in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Flyers
Fishing with bottom-contact gear in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) occurs on continental shelves, slopes or isolated oceanic topographic structures such as seamounts, ridge systems and banks. These bottom fisheries comprise a small, yet valuable, part of ABNJ activities. FAO estimates that the total global catch in 2014 caught by bottom-contact fishing gear was less than 150 000 tonnes, comprising of more than 50 species in reported catches, and involved at least 11 flag States. Regional fisheries management organizations or arrangements (RFMO/As) and other multi-lateral bodies with a fisheries management mandate are managing these bottom fisheries in the ABNJ. Currently, there are eight of these bodies, three of which were created in the last five years.
Implementation of port state measures
Category: Tuna & Biodiversity
Type of document: Flyers
The brochure presents an overview of the Legal template "Implementation of Port State Measures - Legislative template, framework for procedures, role of regional fisheries management organizations".
Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation of Deep-Sea Living Marine Resources and Ecosystems in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Flyers
Flyer on "Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation of Deep-Sea Living Marine Resources and Ecosystems in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction" More...
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