Common Oceans - A partnership for sustainability and biodiversity in the ABNJ

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Skippers workshops. A participatory approach to reducing bycatch in tuna fisheries in the areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ)
Category: Tuna & Biodiversity, Common Oceans
Type of document: Brochures
Publication on skipper workshops, bringing together scientists, captains, and crews, which have been instrumental in the adoption of best practices in tuna purse seine fleets, minimizing the effects on the marine ecosystem, and contributing to more sustainable tuna fisheries. The Common Oceans Tuna project led by FAO has been supporting the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) to develop bycatch mitigation tools and techniques through a participatory approach. 
Review of the implementation of the International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Technical papers
The International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas (DSF Guidelines) were adopted by FAO in 2008. The first and only review of the implementation of the Guidelines took place in 2010. There have been many advances in implementation since then and it is timely to conduct another review. The DSF Guidelines have been used to guide regional fisheries management organizations and states in the development of spatial management processes defining fishing grounds and protecting vulnerable marine ecosystems. The DSF Guidelines also require that harvested fish stocks and impacts on bycatch species are assessed and managed, but this has been less well implemented.
Workshop on options for operationalizing the ecosystem approach to fisheries management in tuna RFMO’s
Category: Strengthening Capacity
Type of document: Reports
Report of the second workshop for tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) on the Ecosystems Approach too Fisheries Management (EAFM) organized in September 2019.
Vessel trip report on aimed bottom trawling for orange roughy in the southwestern Indian Ocean, June–July 2009
Category: Common Oceans
Type of document: Reports
This report describes the observations of the reporting officer aboard the FV Will Watch during a trip in June–July 2009 (Trip 36). The 49-day trip primarily involved bottom trawling for orange roughy around Walters Shoal in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) in the southwestern Indian Ocean. This report documents relevant information on operational issues related to aimed trawling, specific issues in this fishery, the potential for further collaboration with the deep-sea fishing industry in this region, as well as an overview of the fishery that is relevant to current and future policy.
Common Oceans Program
10 February 2023
Common Oceans Program
Category: Common Oceans
Type of document: Brochures
The oceans are essential to life on earth. Yet, marine life is at risk from increasing pressure caused by overfishing, pollution and climate change. The Common Oceans Program is a global alliance for action in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ), supporting efforts to keep the oceans healthy through the sustainable management of marine resources and the conservation of biodiversity.
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