Common Oceans - A partnership for sustainability and biodiversity in the ABNJ

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Report of the Malaysia National Awareness Workshop - 19-20 September 2018, Putrajaya, Malaysia
Category: Tuna & Biodiversity
Type of document: Reports
The workshop report outlines the main outcomes of the Malaysia National Awareness Workshop held on 19-20 September in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The aim was to build capacity and facilitate discussions on effective seabird conservation in tuna fisheries and the challenges that this specific fleet faces. 
Report of ISSF Skippers Workshop Lima (Peru) October 1st 2018
Category: Tuna & Biodiversity
Type of document: Reports
The document summarizes results obtained during the noted Round 8.13 workshop.
Report on invited expert
Category: Tuna & Biodiversity
Type of document: Reports
This report covers bird-scaring line expert Dave Goad's visit to Suva, Fiji on 8-12 May 2018 to teach the Port-based Officer James Nagan how to make bird-scaring lines and conduct a workshop with the local women's group on making BSLs as well as to investigate the availability of local materials to make these lines. 
A Business Case for Co-Management Arrangements for the Yellowfin Tuna Fishery in the Union Territory of Puducherry
Category: Oceans Partnership
Type of document: Reports
This report presents the business case for investment in co-management arrangements in the yellowfin tuna (YFT) fishery in the Union Territory of Puducherry (UTP), South India.  It suggests that an investment of around 3.8 million US$ in such arrangements would significantly increase the value created by fishing for YFT in the UPT, generating benefits and returns for investors, fishers, fish processors and for the wider community.
A review of data storage and sharing options for the Western Indian Ocean to support area-based planning in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Technical papers
In this report, we explore potential options for storing and sharing pre-existing data collated for the Western Indian Ocean as part of the GEF ABNJ Deep Seas Project (‘the ABNJ Deep Seas Project’) Component 4 on area-based planning in ABNJ. This Project is jointly implemented by FAO and UN Environment, the Western Indian Ocean being one of Component 4’s two pilot study areas. However, the management of data is relevant across all the Components of the ABNJ Deep Seas Project.