Common Oceans - A partnership for sustainability and biodiversity in the ABNJ

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Summary: Side Event on Capacity Development in ABNJ - Experiences, Lessons, and Possible Ways Forward
Category: Strengthening Capacity
Type of document: Reports
Summary of the side event on Capacity Development in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ): Experiences, Lessons, and Possible Ways Forward on July 17, 2017, at BBNJ PrepCom 4.
Results of the Survey in Capacity Development in ABNJ
Category: Strengthening Capacity
Type of document: Reports
Result of capacity development assessment designed to determine existing capacity as well as desired capacity in the management of ABNJ. Participants include 250 regional, and national decision-makers in global organizations (such as FAO, UNEP, UNESCO, UNDP, regional organizations, the Permanent Commission for the South pacific, regional conventions, and national organizations). 
Report of the workshop to review orange roughy acoustics data 30 January - 3 February 2017, Rome, Italy
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Reports
Scientists and observers from the deep-sea fishing industry, academia, regional fisheriesorganizations, and non-governmental organizations met at the FAO headquarters from 30 January to February 2017 to review the performance of acoustics data in the assessment of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) in the southern Indian Ocean.
Agenda: Side Event on Capacity Development in ABNJ - Experiences, Lessons, and Possible Ways Forward
Category: Strengthening Capacity
Type of document: Flyers
Capacity Development side event at the fourth session of the Preparatory Committee on BBNJ. Focusing on experiences, and lessons learned in existing efforts at capacity develop­ment in ABNJ, this side event aims to explore ways and options of moving forward on this central issue in the BBNJ process.   
Common Oceans Facts
Category: Common Oceans
Type of document: Infographics
Common Oceans Facts