Common Oceans - A partnership for sustainability and biodiversity in the ABNJ

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Connectivity for a healthy ocean
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Videos
Watch this video to learn more about the connectivity of our ocean, and how it is managed. It was prepared under the Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Sea Project, by implementing partner the UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC).
Report of the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Deep Seas Project Fourth Project Steering Committee Meeting
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Reports
The fourth meeting of the ABNJ Deep Seas Project Steering Committee (PSC4) was held in Saint-Denis, Reunion from 23–25 January 2019, with the cooperation of the SIOFA Secretariat. The meeting was attended by representatives of eight project partners, including six regional bodies. The list of participants is attached as Appendix 1. The primary objectives of the PSC were to review the Project’s progress, to agree on actions and activities to be undertaken prior to the project’s closure and to discuss preparations for a new phase of the project. FAO and WCMC briefed the PSC on activities that are underway (e.g. review of area based planning tools, legal step-wise training) and on upcoming activities (e.g. rights based management workshop, global deep sea meeting). FAO and WCMC also briefed the PSC on their 2019 work plan and its budgetary implications. The PSC endorsed the 2019 work plan and requested a budget revision to take into account the unplanned activities in 2019 work plan (e.g. VME workshop, rights based management workshop, global deep sea meeting). The PSC took note of the end of project closure requirements and preparations that were being made for a subsequent phase of the ABNJ deep sea project.
Area-based planning in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: A Synthesis
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Reports
This publication has been prepared within the framework of the Global Environment Facility project entitled “Sustainable fisheries management and biodiversity conservation of deep-sea living marine resources and ecosystems in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ)” (referred to as the ‘ABNJ Deep Seas Project’). This project is jointly implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).  The synthesis report draws on the different studies developed under the project and provides insights into the future of cross-sectoral area-based planning in ABNJ. 
A marine spatial planning framework for Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Reports
Marine spatial planning (MSP) is a type of area-based planning that is well established in national waters but doesn’t currently occur in ABNJ. It can be used to achieve ecological, social and economic objectives. This report showcases a MSP framework for ABNJ, for the purposes of conserving and sustainably using biodiversity. It considers the framework under different governance scenarios, highlighting how an international legally binding instrument would aid undertaking MSP in ABNJ. This publication has been prepared within the framework of the Global Environment Facility project entitled “Sustainable fisheries management and biodiversity conservation of deep-sea living marine resources and ecosystems in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ)” (referred to as the ‘ABNJ Deep Seas Project’) jointly implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations (FAO) and United Nations Environment Programme. 
Step-wise guide for the implementation of international legal and policy instruments related to deep-sea fisheries and biodiversity conservation in the areas beyond national jurisdiction
Category: Deep Seas & Biodiversity
Type of document: Technical papers
This step-wise guide aims to assist with the implementation of relevant international instruments pertaining to deep-sea fisheries and biodiversity conservation in areas beyond national jurisdiction, especially the high seas, into national policy and law. This guide focuses on the incorporation and transposition of international rules, standards, and recommended practices and procedures into national policy and law. It addresses the key measures for making international obligations effective at the national level and suggests possible options for integrating those measures into the national legal framework. Legislative examples are also provided to illustrate how certain provisions have been incorporated into primary or secondary legislation. The guide first addresses the establishment of a national policy, followed by a description and analysis of essential legislative provisions regarding deep-sea fisheries and the conservation of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. This guide is thus relevant to policy-makers, parliamentary draftpersons, and parliamentarians.