Common Oceans - A partnership for sustainability and biodiversity in the ABNJ

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Un message sur nos océans communs - par Lamber Wilson
Category: Common Oceans
Type of document: Videos
Lambert Wilson, acteur, metteur en scène et activiste français qui a incarné Capitaine Jacques-Yves Cousteau dans le film L’Odyssée, nous partage un message sur la haute mer - les zones marines au-delà des juridictions nationales - et explique pourquoi ces zones sont importantes. Aujourd'hui, et pour les générations futures.
A message about the Common Oceans - by Lambert Wilson
Category: Common Oceans
Type of document: Videos
French actor, producer and activist, Lambert Wilson who played Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau in the movie The Odyssey, shares a message about the Common Oceans – marine areas beyond national jurisdiction – and why these areas are important. Now, and for future generations.
Common Oceans - the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ)
Category: Common Oceans
Type of document: Videos
The marine areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) - our Common Oceans - include some highly complex ecosystems, which are subject to negative impacts from a variety of sectors including shipping, pollution and illegal fishing. Addressing such impacts is compounded by problems in coordinating, disseminating and building capacity for best practices and in capitalizing on successful experiences – especially those related to the management of fisheries in ABNJ.
High Seas - by  Nausicaá Centre National de la Mer
Category: Common Oceans
Type of document: Videos
The high seas represent nearly 50% of the planet's surface, and the health of our planet depends on the state of the ocean. In June 2018, the Nausicaa Centre National de la Mer organised the 1st International Meeting of the High Seas, with support provided by the Common Oceans ABNJ Capacity Project.
Common Oceans Facts
Category: Common Oceans
Type of document: Infographics
Common Oceans Facts
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