Common Oceans - A partnership for sustainability and biodiversity in the ABNJ

Common Oceans Newsletter - all issues

Highlights in this issue on the final implementation period of the Common Oceans ABNJ Program include: Key successes and conversations about a second phase; Four major achievements in helping protect our oceans; Overfishing of the world's major tuna stocks going down, bycatch and pollution reduced and 18 new areas protecting vulnerable marine ecosystems; In the news; Multimedia; Coming events.

Highlights in this issue on the final implementation period of the Common Oceans ABNJ Program include: The culmination of the Common Oceans ABNJ Program; Key successes; Online report of the Deep Sea Project ; Over 500 fisheries experts, managers and industry representatives trained on sustainable management strategies for tuna fisheries; Mainstreaming the management and conservation of sharks and bycatch in the Pacific high seas tuna fisheries .

Highlights in this issue on the final implementation period of the Common Oceans ABNJ Program include news on: the final Steering Committee Meetings - both for the Program as well as for the Tuna Project; a Common Oceans ABNJ Program side event at BBNJ IGC 3; progress on Electronic Monitoring in the Western Pacific; Innovative Research for Sustainable Deep-sea Fisheries; Biodegradable FADs in Tuna Fisheries in the Western Pacific Ocean; workshop on Mitigation of Environmental Impacts of Tropical Tuna Fisheries.

Highlights in this issue include a summary of the recent programmatic meeting in preparation of the coming GEF replenishment cycle, information on the Deep Sea Project's workshop on rights-based management, a recap of the third meeting of the Tuna Compliance Network, the finalization of a new webpage for the results of the Global Think Tank, as well as a follow-up summary of the Capacity Project's side event "BBNJ Capacity Development in the Context of Climate Change". We have also included two new videos, one on the "High Seas" prepared by Nausicaá Aquarium with footage from the first International Conference on the High Seas in Boulogne-sur-Mer in June 2018, and a wrap-up of the ABNJ Deep Sea Meeting 2019 that took place at FAO Headquarters on 7-9 May. 

In this issue, we'll give you an update of what has been going on over the last couple of months, including the finalization of the electronic monitoring pilot in Ghana, a summary of the Deep Sea Project's 4th Project Steering Committee, the completion of a series of documents by the Ocean Partnerships Project's Global Think Tank, as well as the opportunity to showcase the achievements of the Projects at an event fair organized at UN Headquarters in January. 

In this fifth, and final for 2018, issue of the Common Oceans ABNJ Newsletter you will learn more about a number of events including the 9th GEF International Waters Conference and the Common Oceans ABNJ Programmatic Theory of Change Workshop, that both provided opportunities to share lessons learned under the program, but also to discuss future possibilities. There is also information about a groundbreaking workshop on spatial stock structure of tropical tuna species, as well as the release of two new  technical reports aimed at improving deep-sea fisheries.

Our fourth issue - now in a mobile friendly format with updated features - provides information and highlights from recent and upcoming activities undertaken by the four Projects that make up the Common Oceans ABNJ Program. This time, you will get access to recently added documents on area-based planning in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) and learn more about how the Tuna Project and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) branch in Pakistan teamed up to prevent and mitigate bycatch in tuna gillnet fisheries in the Northern Indian Ocean, how value propositions have been assessed to reduce billfish mortality in the Western Central Atlantic, as well as why capacity building is important for a new agreement on biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). If you want to learn more about our Program and the efforts made to promote efficient and sustainable management of fisheries resources and biodiversity conservation in the ABNJ, please visit us on our website or Twitter #CommonOceans.

In this issue, we give you an update on what has taken place over the last couple of months. I believe we can all agree that June and July have been particularly busy for the Common Oceans ABNJ Program with several high-level events including the Sixth GEF Assembly in Vietnam, during which a side event highlighting recent achievements and future aspirations of the Program took place, the High Seas International Conference at the the world's first high-seas aquarium organised in the French town Boulogne-sur-Mer, and then the 33rd session of the Committee on Fisheries COFI followed by three steering committee meetings at FAO Headquarters in Rome; for the Common Oceans ABNJ Program as well as for the Tuna and Ocean Partnerships Projects, respectively. Reports and summaries from the High-Seas International Conference and the Steering Committee Meetings will be made available on the website shortly. Until then, there are plenty of other exciting activities carried out by the four Projects to learn more about in the news section below.   

The last few months have been filled with important and interesting events and activities. Representatives from Ghana and Fiji got together to discuss experiences from two pilots testing the use of electronic monitoring systems as a tool for monitoring, control and surveillance aboard tuna fishing vessels; the Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Seas Project held its third Project Steering Committee Meeting - under the lead of the newly appointed Project Coordinator William Emerson - in Cambridge, UK; management and conservation of billfishes in the Western Central Atlantic were discussed at the fifth meeting of the Caribbean Billfish Consortium; and the Common Oceans ABNJ Capacity Project hosted a side event at UN Headquarters during the Organizational Meeting of the Intergovernmental Conference on BBNJ. More about this, and other updates can be found in the news section below.

This issue is filled with information and highlights that have taken place over the last few months, including the completion of two successful Tuna Management Workshops, news about the new Project Coordinator for the Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Seas Project, a new study that examines mercury levels in billfish species in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, as well as the opening of the world's first-ever high-seas aquarium. More about this, and other interesting updates, in the news section below.

This issue includes updates from several recent events and activities, e.g. the completion of the first ever global shark assessment of the status of the Southern Hemisphere porbeagle shark, an Arctic Pacific knowledge exchange event focused on innovative management and value creation in fisheries, and contributions to the Oceans Action Day during COP23 and much more.

In this issue you will get an update on recent events and activities, such as the Common Oceans ABNJ side events hosted at the BBNJ PrepCom4, three Steering Committee meetings, and several workshops.

In this issue you will find information, news and insights on the various activities undertaken by the four Projects that make up the Common Oceans ABNJ Program.