Common Oceans - A partnership for sustainability and biodiversity in the ABNJ

Common Oceans Communities of Practice

  • Community of Practice on Fisheries, Biodiversity, and Climate Change
  • Community of Practice on Multi-sector Area-based Planning


Fisheries are vital for many around the world as a food source and as a means of sustaining livelihoods. Biodiversity, important on genetic, species, community, and ecosystem levels, plays a key role in the generation of oxygen, regulation of climate, storage of carbon, and absorption of waste and chemicals. Climate change is poised to have major impacts on fisheries and biodiversity, as well as on the human communities dependent on them. These topics are often addressed separately, when in reality, fisheries affect biodiversity, biodiversity affects fisheries, and both will be affected by climate change - addressing these areas using an integrated and ecosystem approach will prove useful for all three issues.


The general objectives of the Common Oceans Communities of Practice are to:

  • Facilitate information- and experience-sharing for problem solving in focus issue areas;
  • Promote interaction, build alliances and facilitate coordination and synergy of various initiatives by members;
  • Promote innovation by creating new knowledge and developing new capabilities;
  • Facilitate participatory building of a shared repertoire of resources, tools and methodologies.


The Common Oceans Communities of Practice are composed of leaders and expert practitioners drawn from all sectors and areas of the world with relevant experience and knowledge on ABNJ issues.