Centro de Recursos sobre la Agricultura de Contrato

El "Centro de Recursos sobre la Agricultura de Contrato" funciona como una "ventanilla única" que ofrece información sobre la agricultura contractual de manera gratuita. La tendencia global hacia una mayor alineación en las cadenas de suministro agroalimentario ha hecho crecer el interés sobre la agricultura por contrato, al percibirse como un mecanismo eficaz para coordinar los vínculos entre los agricultores y las empresas agroindustriales. En vista de lo anterior, la FAO ha redoblado sus esfuerzos para atender la creciente demanda de información y apoyo técnico para planificar e implementar operaciones agrícolas contractuales.


The Model Agreement for Responsible Contract Farming was developed by FAO and IISD, drawing from the principles of the UNIDROIT/FAO/IFAD Legal Guide on Contract Farming. The Model Agreement is a simple and practical legal tool for buyers and producers to improve their business relations and help make responsible agricultural investment a (+) More
Contract farming, broadly understood as agricultural production and marketing carried out under a previous agreement between producers and their buyers, supports the production of a wide range of agricultural commodities and its use is growing in many countries. Mindful of the importance of enhancing knowledge and awareness of the legal (+) More
Developed with inputs from experts and practitioners, the publication presents a set of principles that are conducive to responsible contract farming. It is intended to serve as guidance for farmers and buyers engaged in contractual relationships, thus promoting good business practices and maintaining an atmosphere of trust and respect that (+) More