Contract Farming Resource Centre

All Publications

Records: 415

A quad-partite model of contract farming involving research institutes, farmers, industries and financial institutions was developed. The model introduced the concept of public-private partnership, and offers long-term benefits to both the farmers and wood-based industries, such as increased income. The model was introduced in the state of Tamil Nadu and [...]
Organization: Forest College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Mettupalayam - India
Year: 2010
The increasing use of agricultural contracts and processor concentration raises concerns that processors may offer lower contract prices in absence of local competition. This study examines the price competitiveness of marketing and production contracts depending on the availability of alternative marketing options. A propensity score matching method is used to [...]
Organization: Journal of Agriculture and Applied Economics
Year: 2010
This article tests whether agricultural extension and imperfect supervision - conflated here into the number of visits by a technical assistant - increase productivity in a sample of contract farming arrangements between a processing firm and small agricultural producers in Madagascar. Production functions are estimated which treat the number of [...]
Organization: Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, Durham, USA
Year: 2010
As dairy farms grow and specialize in milking cows, raising replacement heifers is increasingly outsourced. Perhaps the largest challenge of outsourcing the heifer enterprise involves quality, measured as milk production potential, and the possibility for moral hazard due to hidden action on the part of the custom heifer grower. A [...]
Organization: Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA.
Year: 2010
Contracts serve as coordination mechanisms which allocate value, risk, and decision rights across buyers and sellers. The use of marketing contracts in agriculture, specifically for crop production, has been increasing over the past decade. This study investigates the determinants of agricultural marketing contract design employing data from the USDA's Agricultural [...]
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Year: 2010
The present study, conducted in 2005-06, was based on a data from a purposive sample of 80 farmers contracted for organically cultivating naturally coloured cotton and supervised seed multiplication from Uppinbetageri village of Dharwad taluk. The per hectare variable costs for coloured cotton cultivation was Rs.13,078 and formed 82 per [...]
Organization: Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnakata), India
Year: 2010
What is the impact of participation in agricultural value chains on the welfare of smallholders? Contract farming, wherein a processing firm delegates its production of agricultural commodities to growers, is often viewed as a means of increasing smallholder welfare in developing countries. Because the problem posed by the nonrandom participation [...]
Organization: Duke University
Year: 2010
The objectives of this research were to compare the production costs and returns between contract and non-contract farming systems of baby corn production, and to analyze the procurement costs of the company through contract versus non-contract (open market) channels. The data were collected during the crop year 2005/2006 from 60 [...]
Organization: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Year: 2010
This study examines (i) the extent to which characteristics of contract design are responsible for differences between public and private contract designs, (ii) the comparative adaptability of the prevailing public and private contract designs, and (iii) the determinants of the public and private contract profiles in wheat seed farming in [...]
Organization: National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NCAP), New Delhi - India.
Year: 2010
Finisher hog production in North America has shifted toward larger units and contract format since 1990. Exit among independent growers has been high. We develop a model showing that growers with any of three efficiency attributes (lower innate hazard of exit, variable costs, or contract adoption costs) are more likely [...]
Organization: Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA
Year: 2010