Contract Farming Resource Centre

All Publications

Records: 415

Based on empirical evidence from small scale growers and a processor, this study evaluated contract farming of rose geranium (Pelagonium graveoleus) production in a rural setting of Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. With the aid of interview schedules and observation, cross sectional data were collected from the growers and [...]
Organization: Department of Agricultural Economics & Farm Management, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
Year: 2010
This study makes a case for theorizing contract farming as institutions that operate over a domain, rather than as mere technical arrangements for risk sharing between two economic actors. It advocates using the contract farming system as a unit of analysis and dismantling the composite principal-agent problem into its constituent [...]
Organization: Cornell University
Year: 2010
The State of Tamil Nadu is housed with 39 paper mills of which two mills viz., Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Ltd, Karur and Seshasayee Paper Board, Erode are the wood based paper industries. These two industries utilize around 4 lakh tonnes of woody biomass, which are mostly derived from [...]
Organization: Forest College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Mettupalayam (Tamil Nadu), India
Year: 2010
Les relations entre agriculteurs et industriels sont toujours asymétriques, et sont source de difficultés pour développer des activités conjointes. Un industriel chocolatier français, fortement motivé par le potentiel aromatique d'un cacao d'É quateur, a proposé un contrat à une organisation de producteurs de ce pays. Il s'est assuré des services [...]
Organization: Cirad Environment et Societe, UMR Innovation, Montpellier, France
Year: 2010
A relevant case showing women integration in the value chain is represented by the South Sea Orchids (SSO) Contract Farming Operation. SSO is a company, which made significant contribution in empowering women in the floriculture business in Fiji and other Pacific Island countries. The successful contract farming operation allowed women not [...]
Organization: IFC
Year: 2010
Agriculture is continued to be the prime mover of the Tamil Nadu State economy supporting 60 percent of the population and contributing 13 percent of state economy in 2005-06. Besides providing employment opportunities to rural population, it supplies raw materials to agro-based industries. Cotton is an important input for the [...]
Organization: Department of Agricultural Economics, Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, India
Year: 2010
A probit regression model was employed in this study to investigate the effect of private extension services on contract farming participation by small scale maize farmers in rural areas of the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The study suggested that participation in contract farming was positively influenced by the quality [...]
Organization: Department of Agriculture, Animal Health and Human Ecology, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Florida Campus, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, South Africa
Year: 2010
Once a commercial trading hub in antiquity linking markets of East and West, Ethiopia wishes to reclaim a place in the global market arena. As such the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) in 2008 was launched. A marketplace for trading and quality, delivery and payment assured, several commodities, amongst which important export [...]
Organization: Wageningen UR
Year: 2010
Contract farming (CF) is an arrangement between farmers and a processing or marketing firm for the production and supply of agricultural products, often at predetermined prices.1 Farmers are responsible for producing specific quantities of a good at a certain level of quality and agricultural firms are responsible for purchasing the commodity, often also [...]
Organization: Evans Schools of Public Affairs - University of Washington
Year: 2010