Contract Farming Resource Centre

All Publications

Records: 415

MI, A., & Tobe, O. K. Bio-economy and sustainable agrifood value chains: Involvement of local stakeholders through contract farming.

Due to expanding middle-class populations’ increased awareness of food safety and quality as well as the high standards set by developed countries’ export markets, contract farming has a bright future. In many [...]
Organization: Department of Agricultural Science Education, Oyo State College of Education, Nigeria
Year: 2022
Hambloch, C., 2022. Contract farming and everyday acts of resistance: Oil palm contract farmers in the Philippines. Journal of Agrarian Change, 22(1), pp.58-76.

Contract violations are critical issues determining the success and sustainability of contract farming (CF). This paper challenges the common portrayal of the “powerful” company versus the “powerless” [...]
Organization: Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Year: 2022
Mazhar, R., Xuehao, B., Dogot, T., Skominas, R., Tanaskovik, V., Azadi, H., & Wei, Z., 2022. Contract Farming and Technical Efficiency: A Case of Export-Oriented Organic Rice Farmers in Pakistan. Land, 11(11), 1953.

Although organic rice is a niche market in Pakistan, it has exhibited enormous potential for growth in export-oriented [...]
Organization: Nanjing Agricultural University
Year: 2022
Ruml, A., Ragasa, C. and Qaim, M., 2022. Contract farming, contract design and smallholder livelihoods. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 66(1), pp.24-43.

Contract farming has gained in importance in many developing countries. Previous studies analysed effects of contracts on smallholder farmers’ welfare, yet mostly without considering that different [...]
Organization: German Institute for Global and Area Studies, University of Goettingen, International For Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), University of Bonn
Year: 2022
Deutschmann, J., Bernard, T., and Yameogo, O. 2022. Contracting and quality upgrading: Evidence from an experiment in Senegal. Working paper, University of Chicago.

The authors conduct a randomized experiment with groundnut producers in Senegal to address barriers to quality upgrading. They offer a bundled contract to encourage use of a [...]
Organization: University of Chicago
Year: 2022
Veldwisch, G.J. and Woodhouse, P. 2022. Formal and informal contract farming in Mozambique: Socially embedded relations of agricultural intensification. Journal of Agrarian Change, 22(1), pp.162-178.

This paper explores the role of contract farming arrangements in agricultural intensification in sub-Saharan Africa, combining secondary literature and original case material from Mozambique. The [...]
Organization: Wageningen University
Year: 2022
de Almeida, P. J., Salinas, C. T., Ramos, L., & de Carvalho, C. A., 2022., Forms of land access in the sugarcane agroindustry: A comparison of Brazilian and Peruvian cases. Open Agriculture, 7(1), 765-781.

Currently, many sugarcane mills face the challenge of obtaining sufficient raw material. This work analyzes and compares [...]
Year: 2022
Baxter, M., Delgado, C., Romero, J. M., & Walker, I. 2022. Improving Smallholders’ Jobs Through Agribusiness Linkages: Findings Of The Mozambique Agricultural Aggregator Pilot (MAAP). Jobs working paper; No.67. Washington, DC: World Bank.

This study assesses the costs and returns to firms and growers from the expansion of seven existing [...]
Organization: World Bank
Year: 2022
FAO. 2022. Innovative contract farming arrangements in Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok.

Although informal transactions are still the norm in Asia and the Pacific, contractual agreements are on the rise, especially for high-value agricultural commodities. As contract farming arrangements grow in number and become more sophisticated, a series of innovations [...]
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Year: 2022
Nguyen, G., Purseigle, F., Brailly, J. & Marre, M. (2022). Agricultural Outsourcing in France: A Statistical Perspective on an Emerging Phenomenon. Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, 532-33, 89–110. doi: 10.24187/ecostat.2022.532.2073

Cet article cherche à tracer les contours d’un fait émergent méconnu en agriculture, celui de l’essor remarquable de la [...]
Organization: École nationale supérieure agronomique – Institut national polytechnique de Toulouse
Year: 2022