Contract Farming Resource Centre

All Publications

Records: 415

Historically, the three fundamental stages of the supply chain, procurement, production and distribution, have been managed independently, buffered by large inventories. Increasing competitive pressures, and market globalization are forcing firms to develop supply chains that can quickly respond to customer needs. To remain competitive, these firms must reduce operating costs [...]
Organization: Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
Year: 1996
The first section provides a basic definition and description of contract farming. The second section describes several aspects of contract farming that are relevant to food security and provides evidence about the effects where it is available and plausible estimates where evidence is not available. The third section presents some [...]
Year: 1994
This article demonstrates the necessity of looking at gender as a major analytical category in the analysis of agricultural development. Contrary to other production systems like plantations and state farms, it is characteristic of smaliholder outgrower schemes that their operation is based on the farmers' control over land and labour. However, this study of smallholder [...]
Organization: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Year: 1993
Contract farming and vertical integration in agriculture raise troubling issues. Some of those issues, including concerns about food safety, are very important to consumers. Some, including concerns about terrible conditions in processing plants, are very important to labor. Others, which focus on fraud, deception, and manipulation in the contracting arrangements, [...]
Organization: Farmers' Legal Action Group, Inc
Year: 1992
Among the array of agribusiness activities, the one which entails the most direct and most complex relationships between large corporations and small farmers is contract farming (CF). In this system, a firm replaces or supplements company production of agricultural commodities with purchases from local farmers through contracts. The contracts specify [...]
Year: 1990
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