Contract Farming Resource Centre

All Publications

Records: 415

[Ray, N., Clarke, G., & Waley, P. (2021). The impact of contract farming on the welfare and livelihoods of farmers: A village case study from West Bengal. Journal of Rural Studies, 86, 127-135.]

This paper provides a case study of the impacts of the expansion of contract farming by PepsiCo on [...]
Organization: University of Leeds
Year: 2021
[Kaminski, A.M., Kruijssen, F., Cole, S.M., Beveridge, M.C., Dawson, C., Mohan, C.V., Suri, S., Karim, M., Chen, O.L., Phillips, M.J., Downing, W., Weirowski, F., Genschick, S., Tran, N., Rogers, W. and Little, D.C. (2020), A review of inclusive business models and their application in aquaculture development. Rev Aquacult, 12: 1881-1902. [...]
Organization: University of Stirling, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, University of Washington, WorldFish, University of British Colombia, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Year: 2020
[Christiaensen, L. (2020). Agriculture, jobs, and value chains in Africa.]

A conceptual framework is developed to guide policy decisions toward adoption of inclusive Value Chain Development (iVCD) and integration of poor smallholder farmers into agricultural value chains to create thriving job markets in the rural space in consideration of the context [...]
Organization: World Bank Group
Year: 2020
[Alemu, D., Guinan, A. and Hermanson, J., 2021. Contract farming, cooperatives and challenges of side selling: malt barley value-chain development in Ethiopia. Development in Practice, 31(4), pp.496-510.]

This paper presents the experience of malt barley value-chain development through cooperative-based contract farming. The descriptive and qualitative analysis used primary data collected [...]
Year: 2020
[Ruml, A., Ragasa, C., & Qaim, M. (2020). Heterogeneous effects of marketing contracts and resource-providing contracts on household income (No. 858-2020-032).]

Two types of contract structures utilized in contract farming – marketing contracts and resource-providing contracts – are examined and compared in their application within the Ghanaian palm oil sector. The [...]
Organization: University of Goettingen
Year: 2020
[Michelson, H. C. (2020). Innovative business models for small farmer inclusion. Background paper for The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO) 2020. Rome, FAO.]

Farmer participation in agricultural markets is of major importance for rural economic growth and poverty alleviation in developing countries. This paper discusses market failures and constraints [...]
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Year: 2020
[Ruml, A., & Qaim, M. (2021). Smallholder farmers’ dissatisfaction with contract schemes in spite of economic benefits: Issues of mistrust and lack of transparency. The Journal of Development Studies, 57(7), 1106-1119.]

In this article, data collected from smallholder farmers’ participation in contract farming programs in Ghana demonstrates that resource-providing contracts including [...]
Organization: University of Goettingen
Year: 2020
[Magrini, M. B., Bettoni, L., Cholez, C., Krajeski, D., Valérie, M. D., Lecomte, V., ... & Muriel, G. (2021). Structuration des filières et contractualisation: modalités et enjeux. Un guide réflexif pour accompagner le développement des légumineuses à graines en région Occitanie.]

Le développement des légumineuses à graines soulève de nombreux [...]
Organization: Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE)
Year: 2020
[FAO. 2020. The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2020. Agricultural markets and sustainable development: Global value chains, smallholder farmers and digital innovations. Rome, FAO.]

In the latest State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO 2020) flagship publication by FAO, contract farming is presented as an approach to integrating farmers into modern and [...]
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Year: 2020
[Mishra, A.K., Kumar, A., & Joshi, P.K. (Eds.). (2020). Transforming Agriculture in South Asia: The Role of Value Chains and Contract Farming (1st ed.). Routledge.]

The book first addresses the effects of contract farming (vertical coordination) on productivity, food security indicators (yield, consumption expenditures, prices), employment and input usage. Then [...]
Year: 2020