Contract Farming Resource Centre

Contract Farming: Status And Prospects For Tanzania

Organization Ministry of Agriculture Food (MAFC), Participatory Agricultural Development and Empowerment Project(PADEP), Match Maker Associates Limited (MMA)
Year 2006

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives in collaboration with the Ministry of Livestock Development has initiated contracting farming study in Tanzania, with financial support from PADEP Project. The motivation behind this study is the widely shared view in PADEP project and agricultural led ministries that Tanzania is yet to optimally benefit from opportunities brought about by well-articulated contract farming arrangements. The agricultural sector is the largest sector of the economy of Tanzania, contributing more than 40% of GDP, 70% of employment and a large share of foreign exchange earnings; hence any intervention to make optimal development and contribution of the sector is welcome. Contract farming is one of the approaches that is expected to involve the private sector on win-win arrangements with smallholder farmers.