Contract Farming Resource Centre

The right to food. Note by the Secretary-General of the OHCHR

Organization OHCHR
Year 2011

Better access to markets is key to improving livelihoods for many small-scale farmers in developing countries. Recently, contract farming has been presented as an optimal solution, benefiting firms as buyers, small-scale farmers as suppliers and Governments. This report identifies the issues raised by the expansion of contract farming and notes seven areas in which Governments and firms could ensure that it results in pro-poor outcomes and contributes to the full realization of the right to food. Contract farming rarely encourages farmers to climb up the value chain and move into the packaging, processing or marketing of their produce. The report therefore also examines other business models that could be more inclusive, such as farmer-controlled enterprises, joint ventures or direct-to-consumer food marketing practices by farmers. It is vital to ensure a diversity of outlets for the produce of small-scale farmers to strengthen their position in the food chain, which contributes to the realization of the right to food in rural communities and rural development in general.