Centro de Recursos sobre la Agricultura de Contrato


Records: 415

This paper intends to contribute to the on-going debate about whether and how restructured agri-food markets can provide viable market opportunities for small-scale farmers in South Africa. It aims at analyzing contract farming from the small-scale farmer perspective and at better understanding the implications for small-scale farmers regarding contractual arrangements with processing and/or marketing [...]
Organisation: CIRAD
Fecha de publication: 2012
This article explores the gendered experience of monocrop oil-palm expansion in a Hibun Dayak community in Sanggau District, West Kalimantan (Indonesia). It shows how the expanding corporate plantation and contract farming system has undermined the position and livelihood of indigenous women in this already patriarchal community. The shifting of land [...]
Fecha de publication: 2012
Parmi les modèles d’organisation alternatifs, qui limitent les effets néfastes de certains investissements privés dans le secteur agricole (comme le phénomène d’« accaparement des terres »), l’agriculture contractuelle est souvent évoquée. Une analyse des expériences en cours et passées apparaît nécessaire, afin de vérifier la vertu de ce modèle d’agriculture [...]
Fecha de publication: 2012
Inclusive agribusinesses create mutually bene!cial business partnerships with smallholders in developing countries. The guide addresses the full agribusiness spectrum, from farming to forestry to animal husbandry and fish farming, in which companies can collaborate with smallholders along the value chain.This guide is aimed at helping companies interested in developing business relationships with smallholders. It provides a framework [...]
Organisation: GIZ
Fecha de publication: 2012
Developed with inputs from experts and practitioners, the publication presents a set of principles that are conducive to responsible contract farming. It is intended to serve as guidance for farmers and buyers engaged in contractual relationships, thus promoting good business practices and maintaining an atmosphere of trust and respect that [...]
Organisation: FAO
Fecha de publication: 2012
“The Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor seeks to stimulate a major increase in agricultural production in an area whose growth potential has not yet been realised. The Beira Corridor has 10 million hectare of arable land with good soils, good climate and reliable access to water, but despite the promising conditions, very little [...]
Organisation: CIRAD and Univ of Pretoria
Fecha de publication: 2012
This study examines the moral economy of firm-farmer contracts in contract farming schemes in India, bringing together data from field surveys, conducted between 2007 and 2010, of 42 agribusinesses and 484 contract farmers from multiple commodity sectors. The central argument of this paper is that contract farming relationships in India are seen more [...]
Organisation: Cornell University
Fecha de publication: 2012
This study explores the instability created by contradictory court decisions related with contract breaches. Forward marketing contracts represent an important source of resources to finance Brazilian agriculture, however a large number of contract breaches were observed during a period of marked increase in soy prices. The study analyzed 161 judicial appeal [...]
Fecha de publication: 2012
Rising demand both for organic tropical products and for year-round supply of some organic temperate products has encouraged organic activists and some donors to promote certified organic export production in a number of tropical African countries, including Uganda. Agricultural produce importers in developed countries have recognized these new market opportunities. [...]
Organisation: IFPRI
Fecha de publication: 2012
[Author: Barrett, C.B., Bachke, M.E., Bellemare, M.F., Michelson, H.C., Narayanan, S. & Walker, T.F] Supermarkets, specialized wholesalers, processors, and agro-exporters are transforming the marketing channels into which smallholder farmers sell produce in low-income economies. We develop a conceptual framework with which to study contracting between smallholders and a commodity-processing firm. We [...]
Fecha de publication: 2012