Centro de Recursos sobre la Agricultura de Contrato


Records: 415

The study analyses data collected from 139 non-contract and 144 contract potato growers from four districts of West Bengal in the year 2008. It was found that the contract farmers were more experienced and had more years of schooling and social participation. The average farm harvest price of Atlantic potatoes [...]
Organisation: Indian Society of Agricultural Economics
Fecha de publication: 2009
Market access is one of the most critical linkages in farming business for the rural farm households, it is also evident that they are a prerequisite for enhancing agriculture-based economic growth and increasing rural incomes. Rural incomes will not be substantially increased by exclusive emphasis on subsistence food crop production; [...]
Fecha de publication: 2009
Contract farming is an understanding developed between farmers and processing units to satisfy their common interests. Basically there is an agreement between two financially unequal partners. In the present study a contract was done with Jayant oil mill and derivates, located in Gujarat. A fixed agreement was done for the [...]
Organisation: Department of Agricultural Economics & Statistics, Akola, India
Fecha de publication: 2009
Modern supply chains – comprising the production and trade of high-value produce, such as horticulture products, destined for high-income markets – are expanding rapidly across developing regions. While there is consensus that the emergence and spread of modern food supply chains is profoundly changing the way food is produced and traded in developing countries, [...]
Organisation: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Fecha de publication: 2009
Investors that plan to work with contract farming in developing countries face opportunities and risks. The investor provides a market outlet and often some inputs and training services to farmers; the farmers promise the investor a regular supply of a quality product in a pre+harvest contract. A properly designed contract farming [...]
Organisation: LEI Wageningen UR
Fecha de publication: 2009
In the recent era of rapid economic changes, slow agricultural growth has become a major area of concern in academic and public domains. In order to galvanize this sector, there are increasing efforts from various corners of the economy through an alternative institutional arrangement. In response to this, contract farming [...]
Fecha de publication: 2009
1. Contract farming is an economic arrangement entered into by parties seeking mutual advantage. In some instances these arrangements do serve poor farmers who would not otherwise be able to access remunerative agricultural markets. 2. Contract farming appeals to donors and governments because of its potential to link resource-poor smallholder farmers with remunerative, [...]
Fecha de publication: 2009
The study presents an initial assessment of the situation and to raise the main issues in terms of farmers' and workers' rights. It is part of a long term process involving farmer movements, trade unions, NGOs and international organisations aimed at developing strategies by which both contract and independent farmers [...]
Fecha de publication: 2009
Farm contract is a specific means of developing certain markets and even the transfer of technical knowledge in a profitable way for both the producer and the contractor.
Organisation: Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Timisoara, Romania
Fecha de publication: 2009
This article presents a case study of an activity implemented under the FAO component of the Local Partnerships for Urban Poverty Alleviation Project, funded by UNDP in Bangladesh. In Mymensingh city the project is linking poor urban dwellers with a niche market for oyster mushroom. This small enterprise activity appears [...]
Organisation: Urban Partnerships for Poverty Reduction Project (UPPR)
Fecha de publication: 2009