Centro de Recursos sobre la Agricultura de Contrato


Records: 415

There is an increasing demand throughout world for organic food and fibre. In India, efforts are being made for organic crop production through contract farming. Experiences showed that farmers are benefited from technical guidance, supply of quality farm inputs and assured purchasing at remunerative price. This venture, executed by a [...]
Fecha de publication: 2007
During the past five years there has been a rapid rise in contract farming in Lao PDR. This report takes a look at what is actually happening in different parts of the country, and poses questions about what can be done to improve the benefits of this type of farming. [...]
Fecha de publication: 2007
Based on data collected during June 2005 from a sample of 60 farmers (30 contract and 30 non-contract growers), this study analyses the costs, returns and risks in coleus (Coleus forskohlii) cultivation by contract and non-contract growers in Salem district, Tamil Nadu, India. Production and marketing constraints are also identified, [...]
Organisation: Tapioca and Castor Research Station, Yethapur, P.G. Palayam (P.O.), Salem District, Tamil Nadu, India
Fecha de publication: 2007
In the past few years, contract farming (CF) has emerged as an important strategy for vertical coordination of procurement operations by agribusiness firms, as well as for policy for agricultural development in the developing world. This review highlights major developments in the field of CF and its linkages with other [...]
Fecha de publication: 2007
This book presents brief information and a short insight into related theories and implementations of contract farming to promote understanding of different aspects, implications, mechanisms, outcomes, related problems and their solutions. Apart from providing a brief history of contract farming and discussing the alternatives to contract farming, the book mainly [...]
Organisation: Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uludag, Turkey
Fecha de publication: 2007
The aim of this study is to show whether contract production between seed and food potato producers lessens market uncertainty, reduce welfare losses for both parties and increase efficiency in the entire potato chain. These problems were approached from the point of view of the principal-agent theory combined with different [...]
Fecha de publication: 2007
This article discusses credit and marketing arrangements for small farmers in developing countries. The authors draw on the mixed experience with agricultural cooperatives in developing countries to present the design of a credit and marketing cooperative. The authors argue that in conjunction with other state policies, this arrangement works better [...]
Organisation: Dalhousie University, City University of New York
Fecha de publication: 2007
This publication intends to inform agricultural valuers about contract farming in the UK. It offers guidance for analysing whether contract farming is the route that best serves a client's objectives. It also covers taxation and looks at those matters that an agreement should include, with a detailed commentary on them. [...]
Organisation: Market Chambers, Coleford, UK
Fecha de publication: 2007
Food and agricultural commodity value chains in developing and transition countries have undergone tremendous changes in the past decades. Companies and property rights have been privatized, markets liberalized, and economies integrated into global food systems. The liberalization and privatization initially caused the collapse of state-controlled vertical coordination. More recently, private [...]
Organisation: LICOS
Fecha de publication: 2007
In late 2003, under a USAID-funded grant, CARE began working with the Ministry of Agriculture in Upper Egypt to select more than 100 farming communities that have progressive leaders who want to change their traditional cropping patterns and raise their incomes and living standards. CARE helped to organize and register [...]
Organisation: CARE Egypt
Fecha de publication: 2007