Centro de Recursos sobre la Agricultura de Contrato


Records: 415

[Cramb, R. (2020). White gold: The commercialisation of rice farming in the lower Mekong Basin (p. 456). Springer Nature.]

In this publication, Rob Cramb and colleagues explore various agricultural, economic, and policy aspects involved in rice production in the Lower Mekong Basin of Southeast Asia. They specifically discuss the application of [...]
Fecha de publication: 2020
With globalisation and transformations of our agrifood systems, contract farming (CF) agreements between producers and buyers have gained prominence. But what is CF, and why is there growing interest in it? What is needed for it to be efficient, inclusive and responsible? What are the advantages and disadvantages for both [...]
Fecha de publication: 2019
The focus of the study was to investigate the effect of contract farming on peasant livelihoods in Manhica district, Mozambique. A mixture of approaches which combine qualitative and quantitative methods were used in the study. The results show that small scale farmers have no control over cane prices and there [...]
Organisation: Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies
Fecha de publication: 2019
[Author: Nguyen, H.K., Chiong, R., Chica, M., Middleton, R.H. and Pham, D.T.K] In this paper, the authors use agent-based modeling (ABM) to study different obstacles to the expansion of contract rice farming in the context of Mekong Delta (MKD)'s rice supply chain. ABM is a bottom-up approach for modeling the dynamics [...]
Fecha de publication: 2019
Integrating smallholders within global agricultural value chains through contract farming has regained momentum in the development agenda, particularly in Africa. Governments, corporate agri-business, and global development institutions have embraced sugarcane as a suitable commodity to promote the integration of smallholders within commercial agricultural circuits so as to improve the prospects [...]
Organisation: Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy
Fecha de publication: 2019
Contract farming is emerging as an important institutional innovation in the high value food chain in developing countries including Bangladesh, and its socioeconomic implications are topic of interest in policy debates. This study is an empirical assessment to explore the determinants of participation and the impact of contract farming on [...]
Organisation: International Food Policy Research Institute
Fecha de publication: 2019
As the second largest seed exporter in Asia (after China) with maize seed exports valued at USD 43.8 million, Thailand can realise its vision of becoming the region’s ‘’Seed Hub’’. Seed firm size in Thailand vary—from small and medium-sized firms who rely on public provision of germplasm, to small, [...]
Organisation: Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society 2019 Conference
Fecha de publication: 2019
Les gouvernements, les donateurs et les investisseurs agricoles responsables se tournent de plus en plus vers l’agriculture contractuelle la considérant comme un modèle commercial plus inclusif pour l’investissement agricole et un outil permettant de corriger les déséquilibres de pouvoir économique dans les relations entre petits exploitants et agro-industrie. L’Institut international du développement durable [...]
Organisation: L’Institut international du développement durable (IISD)
Fecha de publication: 2019
[Author: Hung Anh, N., Bokelmann, W., Thi Thuan, N., Thi Nga, D. and Van Minh, N] Contract farming is considered as institutional arrangements that manage the coordination of production and distribution between smallholder farmers and agro-industrial firms. Under the market reforms and industrialization process, contract farming links smallholder farmers to a [...]
Fecha de publication: 2019
Providing the bulk of manual labour and producing subsistence crops to feed the family, women's role in family farming have not always been well-protected in contract farming arrangements. Ensuring women's rights are well-represented in contracts, this paper gives concrete examples of how contract farming regulations could be strengthened.
Organisation: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Fecha de publication: 2019