Centre de ressources sur l’agriculture contractuelle

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Records: 415

At the present time, there is much controversy with regard to the equity of small-scale producers in the supply chain. It is widely believed that farmers in the transitional economies have difficulty in gaining market access. While contract farming is a direct mechanism for integrating small growers into the supply [...]
Organisation: Chiang Mai University
Année de publication: 2008
Over the last two decades, structural transformation in the agricultural sector of developing countries has seen the spread of contract farming in the production and marketing of agricultural products in general and of livestock products in particular. The main objective of this literature review is to determine the extent to [...]
Organisation: FAO
Année de publication: 2008
Increasing production activities have been observed in many EU member states since the EU Commission sent a clear signal establishing and supporting the bioenergy industry. This article discusses current sector developments and therewith evolving biofuel value chain activities and management requirements by means of two German biofuel processing firms. Usually, [...]
Organisation: University of Potsdam, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
Année de publication: 2008
In the case studies on contract farming in livestock in the selected developing countries of India, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines, the products engaged in were dairy, poultry and pigs. Contracts were either formal (written) or informal. Formal contracts, in terms of their specific provisions, were of two types: (i) [...]
Organisation: Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative (PPLPI), Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N., Animal Production and Health Division, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome, Italy
Année de publication: 2008
Contract farming is emerging as a promising tool to facilitate transformation from subsistence to commercial agriculture. It also facilitates adoption of high-value crops such as organically grown crops. Using data from a survey of 445 organic rice contract farmers and conventional rice non-contract farmers in Thailand, the paper adopts a [...]
Organisation: Asian Development Bank Institute
Année de publication: 2008
Contract farming is conventionally thought of as a form of industrial organization that helps to overcome high monitoring, supervision, and environmental mitigation costs incurred from ensuring a reliable and uniform-quality supply (from the standpoint of integrators) and high capital and small-scale input and service purchase costs (from the standpoint of [...]
Organisation: IFPRI - International Food Policy Research Institute
Année de publication: 2008
This farm-level study conducted in the Tumkur district of Karnataka state has reported the effect of contract farming on income and employment generation and has identified constraints in and prospects of contract farming. Both income and employment generation have been found higher, almost double, on contract than non-contract farms. The [...]
Organisation: Department of Agricultural Economics,G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar - Uttarakhand
Année de publication: 2008
This study is focused on the economic analysis of contract farming with a comparison of income, access to technology and credit of contract and non-contract farmers. The advantages of contract farming for smallholders have also been evaluated. In contract farming, quality inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and plant protection chemicals [...]
Organisation: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka
Année de publication: 2008
This study determines the extent to which contract farming schemes enable smallholder livestock producers to gain market access, and explores variants of this market institution for more effectively integrating smallholders into the growth and development of the livestock sector in developing countries. Apart from the theoretical and empirical literature on [...]
Organisation: University of the Philippines Los Banos
Année de publication: 2008
This chapter reviews contract farming and suggests safeguard measures to be adopted while promoting contract farming in India. There are two divergent views on contract farming: (1) it promotes employment and high incomes; and (2) the relationship between firms and farmers worsen over time and the system results in ecological [...]
Organisation: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management
Année de publication: 2008