Contract Farming Resource Centre

Regional Workshop on Contract Farming in San Salvador, El Salvador


From 22nd to 24th of October, a Regional Workshop on Contract Farming took place in San Salvador, El Salvador, with the purpose to disseminate knowledge on contract farming  issues among different agrifood supply chain actors in the region and facilitate the exchange of experiences. The event highlighted the legal aspects of contract farming operations, as well as the challenges and opportunities that arise in commercial relations between small producers and their buyers.


The workshop was attended by 26 participants from Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. They were producers, private sector representatives, government officials and FAO professionals involved in the implementation of field projects in Central America. Of particular relevance was the participation of professionals engaged in the Regional Project on Strengthening Agrifood Chains (Proyecto Agrocadenas), implemented by FAO in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua, and from the Land Access Project (PACTA), implemented by the National Agrarian Institute of  Honduras with the support of FAO.