
FAO is organizing a four-day training workshop for representatives of francophone countries. From 14 to 17 November 2016, in Dakar, Senegal The objective of the workshop is to provide participants, who have not yet integrated the New CountrySTAT, a vision of the ongoing efforts to strengthen the FENIX technology,...
Statistical Division of FAO, is proposing a training series, as virtual seminars via Internet, on the new CountrySTAT platform. The objective is to give to all the 17 SSA countries the basic knowledge of the new platform and provide training on the use of the new CountrySTAT system.  
In the framework of project TCP/INT/3506 "Support for the implementation and development of the CountrySTAT framework in the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) countries, Phase II of TCP/INT/3401", a Refresher training of focal points on the CountrySTAT system, will be organized in collaboration with ECO...
The Government of the Republic of Madagascar, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), announces a training workshop on the new CountrySTAT - Madagascar. The workshop will take place in the FAO Ankorahotra’s premises from 20 - 23 June 2016, in Antananarivo, Madagascar....
Statistical Division of FAO is organizing today a training on the new CountrySTAT system in FAO HQs in Rome, Italy. The training will be in French for participants from Haiti and the Republic of Congo.The main objective of the training is to provide participants with basic training on the use...
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