Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management

Self-administered course

About the course

Drought is a costly natural disaster, especially impacting agriculture, and the frequency and intensity of drought events are increasing due to climate change. Shifting to proactive drought management is essential, but economic challenges often hinder decision-making. 

This course, based on the publication “Economic assessment of drought risk management - A two-tier framework for cost-benefit analysis of proactive versus reactive drought management" aims to address these challenges by providing frameworks and case studies to support informed decision-making in drought management.

The course is composed of 3 modules:

  • Module 1: Understanding the costs and benefits of drought management
  • Module 2: Benefits of action and cost of inaction (BACI) Decision Framework
  • Module 3: Proactive Maximin Option Framework

System requirements

This course can be accessed online, clicking on the links below, without registration. It runs on the latests versions of major browsers, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari.


This course targets professionals, technicians and decision makers from relevant ministries, research institutes, and national institutions operating in the field of irrigation and water management.

Module 1: Understanding the costs and benefits of drought management

Structure of the course

1. Introduction
2. Costs of drought and drought management
    2.1 Cost assessment
    2.2 Typology of costs
3. Benefits of proactive drought management
    3.1 Benefit assessment
    3.2 Typology of benefits

Module 2: Benefits of Action and Cost of Inaction (BACI) Decision Framework

Structure of the course

  1. Introduction
  2. The two-tier framework for cost-benefit analysis of drought risk management measures
  3. Stages of the BACI Decision framework
    3.1 First stage of BACI
    3.2 Second stage of BACI
    3.3 Scoring methodology


Module 3: Proactive Maximin Option framework

Structure of the course

1. Introduction
2. The Proactive Maximin Option framework 
    2.1 The framework
    2.2 Framework design and components
    2.3 Scoring methodology
3. Practical exercise

Published in 2024

Duration module 1:
40 minutes

Duration of module 2:
40 minutes

Duration of module 3:
30 minutes + 20 minutes of practical exercises