Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management

Emergency agriculture assistance to drought-affected farmers in Kandahar, Faryab and Saripul

Countries Afghanistan
Start date 14/10/2018
End date 20/08/2019
Status Completed
Recipient / Target Areas Afghanistan
Budget 1 500 000 USD
Project Code OSRO/AFG/806/CHG
Objective / Goal The project supported Food Security and Agriculture Cluster objectives to meet the immediate food security needs of populations impacted by drought in Faryab, Kandahar and Saripul, to ensure the same populations do not lapse into food insecurity, and to enhance the ability of affected populations to be more resilient to future shocks through investment in training and distribution of quality agriculture inputs to farmers.
Beneficiaries 74 200

FAO addressed the immediate humanitarian needs of drought-affected farming families in these three provinces and prevented loss of lives as a consequence of acute food insecurity, through the provision of essential agriculture inputs (certified wheat seed and quality fertilizers) , as per the  Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FSAC) recommended responses packages. FAO assisted drought-affected families to achieve enhanced resilience to future shocks through the introduction of improved wheat seeds that were more drought-resistant, coupled with training on improved agriculture practices. The interventions that FAO proposed helped preventing further migration of drought affected populations, reducing the likelihood of humanitarian services being burdened in high-concentration urban areas, widespread of acute food insecurity and malnutrition.

The project was designed to be implemented in the provinces of Faryab, Kandahar and Saripul, which are FSAC’s high priority locations. Project activities were in line with revised Humanitarian Response Plan thematic priorities, that include targeting of drought affected vulnerable people.