Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management

Emergency agriculture assistance to drought -affected vulnerable farmers in Ghor and Badghis

Countries Afghanistan
Start date 16/12/2018
End date 14/11/2018
Status Completed
Recipient / Target Areas Afghanistan
Budget 1 000 000 USD
Project Code OSRO/AFG/810/ROK
Objective / Goal The main objective is to provide emergency assistance related to food security and agriculture to cover the urgent needs of the vulnerable population affected by drought in Ghor and Badghis provinces.
Beneficiaries 40 600

The project included the following activities to reduced food insecurity through support to agriculture production:

  • Output 1: 5 800 vulnerable farming households received 50 kg of certified wheat seed, 50 kg of diammonium phosphate fertilizer and 50 kg of urea fertilizer:
    • activity 1: agriculture inputs (certified wheat seed, fertilizers and vegetables seeds and home gardening tools) distribution;
    • activity 2: diversifying food production through home gardening;
    • activity 3: provision of trainings on good practices in agriculture and disaster risk reduction.