Emergency assistance to drought affected food insecure vulnerable pastoralist households in Somali region of Ethiopia

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Country | Ethiopia |
Start date | 31/07/2016 |
End date | 05/07/2018 |
Status | Completed |
Recipient / Target Areas | Ethiopia |
Budget | 580 270 USD |
Project Code | OSRO/ETH/605/SPA |
Objective / Goal | To improve the food security and the economic status of the drought-affected vulnerable pastoralist households in Somali region. |
Beneficiaries | 50 522 |
Activities |
The overall objective of the project was to safeguard pastoral and agropastoral livelihoods and to enhance the food security and nutrition of households in drought-affected woredas by helping to protect their livestock assets. This was to be achieved through two main areas of intervention: provision of animal feed and animal health support. Output 1: Increased availability of emergency livestock supplementary feed for core breeding animals. Activities:
Output 2: Increased access to animal health services for livestock through provision of veterinary inputs:
Impact |
Outcome Up to 15 000 vulnerable drought-affected households in underserved woredas of Fafan and Siti zone have approximately 860 000 sheep and goats provided with parasite control treatments to protect and initiate rapid recovery of their herds and livelihoods. |
Several elements contributed to the project’s success, including: