Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management

Emergency livelihood support to drought-affected pastoral, agropastoral and smallholder farming communities in Afar and Somali Regions

Countries Ethiopia
Start date 31/12/2015
End date 06/09/2017
Status Completed
Donor United States of America
Recipient / Target Areas Ethiopia
Budget 700 000 USD
Project Code OSRO/ETH/601/USA
Objective / Goal To protect the livelihoods of pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and smallholder farmers affected by El Niño-induced drought in Ethiopia.
Beneficiaries 27 600

The project sought to achieve two outputs, namely:

  • Output 1: stakeholders’ El Niño response activities for the protection of the livelihood assets of pastoral, agropastoral and smallholder farmers are well coordinated. Activities under this output:
    • Activity 1.1 Facilitate common and harmonized implementation modalities of livelihood-saving interventions;
    • Activity 1.2 Build the capacity of the  Agricultural Task Force (ATF) members to implement high-quality Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and resilience building programmes through participatory, community-based and gender-sensitive approaches;
    • Activity 1.3 Identify good practices and document lesson learned on the El Niño preparedness and response roadmap and the DRM–ATF action plan;
    • Activity 1.4 Organize DRM–ATF El Niño preparedness and response review meetings;
    • Activity 1.5 Undertake joint technical missions covering crop, livestock and water-based El Niño interventions;
    • Activity 1.6 Coordinate the livelihood protection response and resilience actions of partners;
    • Activity 1.7 Provide technical backstopping.
  • Output 2: voucher-based livestock feed support promoted in El Niño affected pastoral and agropastoral area. Activities under this output:
    • Activity 2.1 Establishing one new multi-nutrient blocks (MNB) manufacturing cooperative at Erer woreda in Somali Region and equip it with basic facilities and inputs to start immediate production;
    • Activity 2.2 Conduct awareness raising and sensitization for target pastoral and agropastoral beneficiaries on the benefits and proper use of MNBs as survival feed support;
    • Activity 2.3 Identify pastoral and agropastoral households most affected by drought and distribute vouchers for MNBs (produced by the Erer woreda cooperative);
    • Activity 2.4 Select core breeding stock from among the beneficiary households;
    • Activity 2.5 Monitor the quality of the MNBs at cooperative and/or beneficiary household level.