Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management

Humanitarian aid through emergency and recovery assistance for drought-affected communities in the Chaco Region Departments of Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca and Tarija, Bolivia

Countries Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Start date 21/10/2010
End date 29/01/2012
Status Completed
Donor European Union
Recipient / Target Areas Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Budget 1 072 965 USD
Project Code OSRO/BOL/002/EC
Objective / Goal

The project aims to mitigate the drought's impact in vulnerable communities in the Bolivian Chaco.

The specific objective is to assist rural families affected by drought in basic needs and recovery capabilities in the affected municipalities of the Chaco region.

Beneficiaries 25 000

FAO collaborate with Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) and Acción contra el Hambre (ACF-Spain) to develop activities which focused on food insecure indigenous communities severely affected by the drought in 13 municipalities of the Chaco areas of the Santa Cruz, Tarija and Chuquisaca departments.

To reach the overall objective, the project draws the following results and related activities:

  • Result 1: 2 000 livestock breeder families have improved their livestock’s heath.
    To achieve result 1 the following activities are implemented:
    • distribution of 90 tonnes of mineral salts for the preparation of animals feed, using crop residues as a base;
    • distribution of 13 grain and forage mills for communal use;
    • training beneficiaries and municipal technical staff on comprehensive natural resources management,focusing on management practices and grazing of natural pastures;
    • de-worming of a minimum of 80 000 animals and elaborate a local sanitary and epidemiological calendar;
    • distribution of 300 hair-sheep breeds including the development of a complete breeding and small ruminant
      management programme (rotation system);
    • distribution of 13 hay compressor machines to introduce techniques for forage conservation;
    • building of 11 corrals for animal health management;
    • construction/rehabilitation of water points for animal consumption; and
    • construction of ten meat dryers for a hygienic way to process meat.
  • Result 2: 5 000 families affected by drought have recovered their basic capacity for the production of staple foods.
    To achieve result 2 the following activities are implemented:
    • distribution of basics seeds: maize, cumanda and bean seed, promoting short cycle and adapted crops;
    • implementation of 10 desert plots for vegetable production based on manure and sand management with
      micro irrigation systems;
    • provision of technical assistance during the entire crop cycle;
    • training community promoters on agriculture and livestock issues, organizing them into local networks
      strengthening local abilities to face droughts;
    • distribution of 260 grain and seed storage silos; and
    • establishment of ten Mother’s Clubs trained on meat drier techniques and food conservation and
  • Result 3: Increased awareness, preparedness and abilities in order to improve a coordinated response of national,
    departmental, municipal and local institutions in the Chaco region.
    To achieve result 3 the following activities are implemented:
    • design and implementation of a common communication, advocacy and visibility strategy;
    • capitalization, systematization and diffusion of experiences, good practices and lessons learned generated
      and implemented during the Action;
    • supporting the meteorological data gathering and analysis in coordination with National Service of Hydrology
      and Meteorology (SENAMHI);
    • training local, municipal and departmental technicians and authorities on emergency response and disaster
      preparedness with emphasis on self management in response to drought emergency situations;
    • participatory elaboration of basic guidelines to improve emergency response abilities in coordination with
      local, municipal and departmental actors;
    • training community promoters on drought management issues and drought monitoring;
    • promotion of a coordination network to manage drought related issues in the Chaco region and provide a local integrated and sustainable response that acts as a reference; and
    • promotion of exchange of experiences between similar drought contexts in Latin America.
    More on this topic


    • FAO has been working with appropriate seeds of the highest quality available in the Chaco, as well
      as in the national markets, finding and promoting the use of local ecotypes well adapted with high
      levels of hardness and high production. Good seed selection and constant technical advice on
      cultivation have been vital to the production performance achieved.
    • The project allowed the conformation of technical teams (agriculture, livestock and disaster risk reduction) with the
      participation of members of the three institutions (FAO- COOPI-ACF-Spain) that allowed an appropriate
      coordination to homogenize the activities and approaches.
    • The project was implemented using simple interventions that kept a high scientific rigor, respected
      local knowledge and culture, and considered the real needs identified by beneficiaries. This allowed
      for an easier and efficient way to achieve a higher impact which met the basic principles of