Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management

Improved food security for drought-affected households in Cunene and Huila province of Angola

Countries Angola
Start date 13/05/2019
End date 24/08/2020
Status Completed
Recipient / Target Areas Angola
Budget 743 083 USD
Project Code OSRO/ANG/902/CHA
Objective / Goal The objective of the project was to improve the food security of 30 100 vulnerable people affected by drought in Cunene and Huila provinces.

Beneficiaries 30 100

Through Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) funding, FAO aimed at providing provide direct humanitarian assistance to 30 100 vulnerable rural beneficiaries, and indirectly assisting an additional 100 000 people affected by severe drought. This assistance strived to increase food products availability in southern Angola, (provinces of Cunene and Huila) and to mitigate the effects of the severe 2018/2019 drought. CERF fund allowed to give immediately support to these communities from April to September (six months) and safeguard the 2019’s agriculture production in targeted municipalities. At the same time FAO negotiated further actions with European Union and Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) to assist population from 2019.

FAO worked on two specific outputs:

  • Output 1: mitigate livestock losses and improve food security for pastoralists.
    A total of 100 community animal health workers (CHAWs) received multivitamin for distribution to pastoralist communities and were trained on producing mineral licks, in order to reduce livestock mortality, recover minimum dairy production for 2 500 households. This action focused especially on dairy cows and calves that represents essentials animals staying permanently at community place with women, children and old people, while men and other livestock join the transhumance. This action allowed the immediate recovery and improvement of milk production and availability at community level. CHAWs are men and women pertaining to the affected communities; they were selected and trained based on FAO’s long-standing experience in the province. This activity was conducted in collaboration with the veterinary institute Veterinary Services Institute (ISV). Also, 3 drinking troughs wererehabilitated (through a local service provider) to provide water to livestock. Troughs were complemented by participatory water management associations at community level, promoted and followed up directly by FAO.
  • Output 2: urgently restore agricultural food production for small-holders / subsistence farmers.
    Improve availability of healthy food in 2 500 agro-pastoral households. Targeted households received seeds of cereals, beans and vegetables and agriculture tools, and production assistance (training on micro-gardens). Seeds were selected for their short vegetative cycle, in order to get the first harvest in 120-140 days. Each family received the following: 5 kg of millets seeds, 2 kg of macunde seeds, 100 gr of vegetable seeds, and agricultural tool, namely: hoe, machete and watering can. They also received 1 million sweet potato cuttings produced through other FAO projects.