Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management

Integrated emergency agriculture and livelihood assistance to food insecure farming families

Country Afghanistan
Start date 20/01/2020
End date 02/08/2021
Status Completed
Donor Denmark
Recipient / Target Areas Afghanistan
Budget 3 044 225 USD
Project Code OSRO/AFG/908/DEN
Objective / Goal The objective of this project was to provide immediate support for vulnerable smallholder farming families by granting wheat seed package and cash-for-work. It aimed at restoring the agricultural livelihoods and enhancing the food security of vulnerable smallholder households in Badakhshan, Daykundi, Ghor, Herat and Urozgan provinces.
Beneficiaries 129 500

The project’s interventions were organized under the following outputs:

  • Output 1: 14 000 vulnerable smallholder farming households received an emergency agriculture package, home gardening package and trainings.
    A total of 14 000 of the most vulnerable households (127 799 people) received wheat cultivation packages, consisting of 50 kg of wheat seeds, 50 kg of urea and 50 kg of diammonium phosphate; and one nutrition-sensitive home gardening vegetable cultivation package, consisting of 460 g of high-quality vegetable seeds and home gardening tools (a shovel, a hoe, and a rake). The project supported 4 500 households in Badakhshan, 1 500 in Daikundi, 2 000 Ghor, 4 000 in Herat and 2 000 in Urozgan. In total, the project distributed 700 tonnes of certified wheat seeds, 700 tonnes of urea, 700 tonnes of diammonium phosphate, and 6.44 tonnes of vegetable seeds, 14 000 shovels, 14 000 hoes and 14 000 rakes. To build the capacities of the targeted communities and ensure the availability of regular advisory and extension services, FAO conducted a training of trainers workshop on good wheat cultivation practices and home gardening techniques to 54 implementing partners and 21 extension staff from Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock. In turn, the implementing partners’ staff trained all the targeted beneficiaries on both topics. The training on good wheat cultivation practices focused on i) importance of certified wheat seeds’ cultivation, selection of seeds and wheat variety management; ii) soil fertility, preparation of land for wheat seed cultivation and irrigation management; iii) disease and pest control; and iv) harvest and post-harvest wheat management.
  • Output 2: 4 500 vulnerable households benefited from cash-for-work activities to rehabilitate/construct small-scale water infrastructures and protection walls.
    Although the initial target planned for this output was 4 500 households, the project supported a total of 14 200 households, including 13 220 vulnerable households who were engaged in cash-for-work activities and 980 vulnerable households who received unconditional cash transfers . Cash assistance was provided to 1 100 households in Badakhshan, 700 households in Daykundi, 3 282 households in Ghor, 5 224 households in Herat, and 3 894 households in Uruzgan provinces. The project provided each beneficiary household of both cash-for-work and unconditional cash transfers with a payment of 3 850 AFN (equivalent to 50 USD), a total of 710 000 USD.