Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management

Livelihood interventions to safeguard and revitalize livestock-based communities prone to drought

Countries Ethiopia
Start date 24/01/2017
End date 06/12/2017
Status Completed
Recipient / Target Areas Ethiopia
Budget 900 004 USD
Project Code OSRO/ETH/702/CHA
Objective / Goal The overall objective of the project was to safeguard pastoral and agropastoral livelihoods and enhance the food and nutrition security conditions of households by helping maintain their assets in drought-affected districts (Malle, Hammer and Bena Tsemay) of South Orno Zones.
Beneficiaries 203 548

The interventions included:

  • Livestock feed supplementation: to guarantee access to appropriate livestock feed, commercialized livestock feed interventions were implemented wherever markets are functioning within affected zone. Targeting core-breeding animals, supplementary concentrate feed, cane tops and other concentrates using locally available agricultural waste products were utilized. In order to mitigate against market disruptions, these activities were undertaken along with local traders, agrodealers as needed. Where possible, locally procured feed were distributed at temporarily established feeding points and along migratory routes with a preference given to the most productive and core-breeding livestock. The proposed feeding centres were established near water points.
  • Animal Health provisions for affected/vulnerable livestock: to overcome the near complete lack of pasture, the serious water shortage in affected pastoral communities and the deterioration of the livestock physical condition, and mitigate likely outbreaks of diseases that would have lead to even higher morbidity and mortality of livestock, animal treatments (curative and prophylactic treatments against internal and external parasites and other infectious diseases) were provided in consultation and cooperation with local veterinarians and community-based animal health systems.
  • Slaughter destocking of animals with low body weight: in order to generate income for affected households by off-taking weak animals, the project purchased livestock directly from families, enabling pastoral households to purchase cereals and other food. Meat deemed fit for consumption was distributed to food insecure and drought-affected households in order to provide animal source proteins and improve nutrition. Working closely with local butchers, livestock marketing cooperatives, market traders and regional authorities, unproductive non-core breeding livestock deemed unfit for or not competitive in local markets were purchased at reasonable market prices. Of these, animals deemed unfit for human consumption were slaughtered and disposed.