Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management

Provision of essential inputs to support drought and war affected farmers in Northern and North-Eastern Afghanistan

Countries Afghanistan
Start date 05/12/2001
End date 18/04/2007
Status Completed
Donor European Union
Recipient / Target Areas Afghanistan
Budget 509 091 USD
Project Code OSRO/AFG/102/EC
Objective / Goal

The project objective was to provide:

  • supply of fertilisers, fungicide and equipment to support the implementation of a seed multiplication programme in Badakshan, all other inputs having been supplied by USAID through another project;
  • supply of all the necessary inputs to establish a seed multiplication project in Jowzjan province;and
  • support for livestock farmers with the production of livestock through artificial insemination in Balkh province, in particular to increase the dwindling numbers of bulls who are important in agriculture as draught animals.
Beneficiaries 44 800

The project focused on three components:

  • Component 1: support the implementation of a seed multiplication programme in Badakhshan through the provision of agricultural inputs, including fertilizers, fungicide and equipment. All other inputs required for the programme have been supplied under a USAID funded project.
  • Component 2: establish a seed multiplication project in the Jawzjan province by supplying the necessary inputs.
  • Component 3:  assist livestock farmers with the production of livestock through artificial insemination in the Balkh province. Particularly, this component aimed to increase the numbers of bulls, an important form of draught power in Afghanistan. Excess milk produced by lactating cows in this programme to become part of a milk collection scheme in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif, which was set up with funding from USAID.