Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management

Safeguarding emergency agriculture livelihoods and access to nutritious food of vulnerable food insecure farming families

Countries Afghanistan
Start date 15/06/2021
End date 14/09/2022
Status Completed
Donor Denmark
Recipient / Target Areas Afghanistan
Budget 2 686 498
Project Code OSRO/AFG/112/DEN
Objective / Goal The objective of the project was to provide season-critical support for vulnerable smallholder farming families by assisting wheat cultivation package and nutrition-sensitive vegetable cultivation / home-gardening package.
Beneficiaries 244 679

The project planned to improve the food security and nutritional status of 22 000 vulnerable households by providing season-sensitive and time-critical emergency support through the distribution of wheat cultivation packages and nutrition-sensitive home gardening packages.

The project aimed to achieve this through two outputs:

  • 11 000 vulnerable smallholder farming households received emergency wheat cultivation package and technical trainings.
  • 11 000 vulnerable landless and/or female-headed households received nutrition-sensitive home gardening package and technical trainings.

Households were supported through the provision of emergency livelihood assistance packages, such as improved wheat seeds, fertilizer, vegetable seeds and home gardening tools. Distributions were complemented by technical trainings on wheat variety cultivation, vegetable cultivation, integrated pest management and climate-resilient crop management. Furthermore, the project delivered awareness raising sessions on COVID-19 to all implementing partner staff and beneficiaries to promote preventive measures.
More on this topic Additional information is available here: https://www.fao.org/publications/card/fr/c/CB8480EN/